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aioddd 1.4.0
Async Python DDD utilities library
aioddd is an async Python DDD utilities library.
Use the package manager pip to install aioddd.
pip install aioddd
Visit aioddd docs.
from asyncio import get_event_loop
from dataclasses import dataclass
from typing import Type
from aioddd import NotFoundError, \
Command, CommandHandler, SimpleCommandBus, \
Query, QueryHandler, OptionalResponse, SimpleQueryBus, Event
_products = []
class ProductStored(Event):
class Attributes:
ref: str
attributes: Attributes
class StoreProductCommand(Command):
def __init__(self, ref: str):
self.ref = ref
class StoreProductCommandHandler(CommandHandler):
def subscribed_to(self) -> Type[Command]:
return StoreProductCommand
async def handle(self, command: StoreProductCommand) -> None:
class ProductNotFoundError(NotFoundError):
_code = 'product_not_found'
_title = 'Product not found'
class FindProductQuery(Query):
def __init__(self, ref: str):
self.ref = ref
class FindProductQueryHandler(QueryHandler):
def subscribed_to(self) -> Type[Query]:
return FindProductQuery
async def handle(self, query: FindProductQuery) -> OptionalResponse:
if query.ref != '123':
raise ProductNotFoundError.create(detail={'ref': query.ref})
return {'ref': query.ref}
async def main() -> None:
commands_bus = SimpleCommandBus([StoreProductCommandHandler()])
await commands_bus.dispatch(StoreProductCommand('123'))
query_bus = SimpleQueryBus([FindProductQueryHandler()])
response = await query_bus.ask(FindProductQuery('123'))
if __name__ == '__main__':
Python >= 3.7
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