Aiogram Magick 0.1.0 | Coderz Repository

aiogram-magick 0.1.0

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aiogrammagick 0.1.0

Aiogram Magick

Magick for Aiogram 3.x-based Telegram bots.


SQLite-based storage with caching & automatic commits

Getting started!

Install aiogram_magick and dependencies for submodules:

pip install aiogram_magick

# For aiogram_magick.sqlite
pip install aiosqlite jsonpickle

Import submodules that provide needed functionality (see examples below or read documentation)

SQLite storage
from aiogram_magick.sqlite import SqliteStorage

# By default, SqliteStorage is configured to:
# - Commit changes on 30 minute idle and on shutdown;
# - Cache states (up to 20 entries) and data (up to 10 entries);
# - Ignore any exceptions;
# - To avoid file corruptions on shutdown any `sqlite3.OperationalError`s
# are printed using `traceback.print_exception` instead of raised normally.
dp = Dispatcher(storage=SqliteStorage('aiogram.sqlite'))


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