Aiohttp Client Cache 0.11.1 | Coderz Repository

aiohttp-client-cache 0.11.1

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aiohttpclientcache 0.11.1


aiohttp-client-cache is an async persistent cache for aiohttp
client requests, based on requests-cache.

Ease of use: Use as a drop-in replacement
for aiohttp.ClientSession
Customization: Works out of the box with little to no config, but with plenty of options
available for customizing cache
and other behavior
Persistence: Includes several storage backends:
SQLite, DynamoDB, MongoDB, DragonflyDB and Redis.

First, install with pip (python 3.8+ required):
pip install aiohttp-client-cache[all]

Adding [all] will install optional dependencies for all supported backends. When adding this
library to your application, you can include only the dependencies you actually need; see individual
backend docs and pyproject.toml
for details.
Basic Usage
Next, use aiohttp_client_cache.CachedSession
in place of aiohttp.ClientSession.
To briefly demonstrate how to use it:
Replace this:
from aiohttp import ClientSession

async with ClientSession() as session:
await session.get('')

With this:
from aiohttp_client_cache import CachedSession, SQLiteBackend

async with CachedSession(cache=SQLiteBackend('demo_cache')) as session:
await session.get('')

The URL in this example adds a delay of 1 second, simulating a slow or rate-limited website.
With caching, the response will be fetched once, saved to demo_cache.sqlite, and subsequent
requests will return the cached response near-instantly.
Several options are available to customize caching behavior. This example demonstrates a few of them:
# fmt: off
from aiohttp_client_cache import SQLiteBackend

cache = SQLiteBackend(
cache_name='~/.cache/aiohttp-requests.db', # For SQLite, this will be used as the filename
expire_after=60*60, # By default, cached responses expire in an hour
urls_expire_after={'*': -1}, # Requests for any subdomain on this site will never expire
allowed_codes=(200, 418), # Cache responses with these status codes
allowed_methods=['GET', 'POST'], # Cache requests with these HTTP methods
include_headers=True, # Cache requests with different headers separately
ignored_params=['auth_token'], # Keep using the cached response even if this param changes
timeout=2.5, # Connection timeout for SQLite backend

More Info
To learn more, see:

User Guide
Cache Backends
API Reference

If there is a feature you want, if you've discovered a bug, or if you have other general feedback, please
create an issue for it!


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