Aiohttp Valera Validator 0.1.0

aiohttp-valera-validator 0.1.0

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Request validation for aiohttp (via valera)
$ pip3 install aiohttp-valera-validator

from aiohttp.web import Application, json_response, route, run_app
from district42 import schema
from aiohttp_valera_validator import validate

ParamsSchema = schema.dict({
"q": schema.str.len(1, ...)

async def handler(request):
q = request.query["q"]
return json_response({"q": q})

app = Application()
app.add_routes([route("GET", "/users", handler)])

// http /users?q=Bob
"q": "Bob"

// http /users
"errors": [
"Value <class 'str'> at _['q'] must have at least 1 element, but it has 0 elements"

Query params validation
from district42 import schema
from aiohttp_valera_validator import validate

# schema.dict is strict by default (all keys must be present)
ParamsSchema = schema.dict({
"q": schema.str.len(1, ...)

async def handler(request):
q = request.query["q"]
return json_response({"q": q})

Headers validation
from district42 import schema
from aiohttp_valera_validator import validate
from multidict import istr

# "..." means that there can be any other keys
# headers are case-insensitive, so we use istr for
HeadersSchema = schema.dict({
istr("User-Agent"): schema.str.len(1, ...),
...: ...

async def handler(request):
user_agent = request.headers["User-Agent"]
return json_response({"user_agent": user_agent})

JSON body validation
from district42 import schema
from aiohttp_valera_validator import validate

BodySchema = schema.dict({
"name": schema.str.len(1, ...),
async def handler(request):
payload = await request.json()
return json_response({
"id": payload["id"],
"name": payload["name"]

URL segments validation
Segments — is a variable part of URL path (aiohttp uses match_info for it)
from district42 import schema
from aiohttp_valera_validator import validate

SegmentsSchema = schema.dict({
"user_id": schema.str.regex(r"[1-9][0-9]*"),

async def handler(request):
user_id = int(request.match_info["user_id"])
return json_response({"user_id": user_id})

Custom response
from http import HTTPStatus
from aiohttp.web import Request, Response
from aiohttp_valera_validator import validate as validate_orig

class validate(validate_orig):
def create_error_response(self, request: Request, errors: List[str]) -> Response:
body = "<ul>" + "".join(f"<li>{error}</li>" for error in errors) + "</ul>"
return Response(status=status, text=body, headers={"Content-Type": "text/html"})

Fore more information read valera docs


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