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aiopenapi3 0.7.1
A Python OpenAPI 3 Specification client and validator for Python 3.
This project is a fork of Dorthu/openapi3.
implements …
Swagger 2.0
OpenAPI 3.0.3
OpenAPI 3.1.0
description document parsing via pydantic
recursive schemas (A.a -> A)
request body model creation via pydantic
pydantic compatible "format"-type coercion (e.g. datetime.interval)
additionalProperties (limited to string-to-any dictionaries without properties)
response body & header parsing via pydantic
blocking and nonblocking (asyncio) interface via httpx
SOCKS5 via httpx_socks
tests with pytest & fastapi
providing access to methods and arguments via the sad smiley ._. interface
Plugin Interface/api to modify description documents/requests/responses to adapt to non compliant services
YAML type coercion hints for not well formatted description documents
Description Document dependency downloads (using the WebLoader)
export AIOPENAPI3_LOGGING_HANDLERS=debug to get /tmp/aiopenapi3-debug.log
API Documentation
Running Tests
This project includes a test suite, run via pytest. To run the test suite,
ensure that you've installed the dependencies and then run pytest in the root
of this project.
PYTHONPATH=. pytest --cov=./ --cov-report=xml .
For personal and professional use. You cannot resell or redistribute these repositories in their original state.
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