Aiopg Listen 0.0.7 | Coderz Repository

aiopg-listen 0.0.7

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aiopglisten 0.0.7

This library simplifies usage of listen/notify with aiopg:

Handles lost of a connection
Simplifies processing notifications from multiple channels
Setups a timeout for receiving a notification
Allows to receive all notifications/only last notification depends on ListenPolicy.

import asyncio
import aiopg
import aiopg_listen

async def handle_notifications(notification: aiopg_listen.NotificationOrTimeout) -> None:
print(f"{notification} has been received")

listener = aiopg_listen.NotificationListener(aiopg_listen.connect_func())
listener_task = asyncio.create_task(
{"channel": handle_notifications},

async with aiopg.connect() as connection, connection.cursor() as cursor:
for i in range(42):
await cursor.execute(f"NOTIFY simple, '{i}'")

v0.0.7 (2023-03-09)

Fix python 3.11 compatibility

v0.0.6 (2022-11-02)

Add python 3.11 support

v0.0.5 (2021-11-02)

Support async-timeout 4.0+

v0.0.4 (2021-09-08)

Reexport explicitly #18

v0.0.3 (2021-08-10)

Allow suppressing timeout by aiopg_listen.NO_TIMEOUT #9
Fix typing for python 3.8 #11

v0.0.2 (2021-07-25)

Add aiopg_listen.connect_func to simplify initialization #5
Rename consumer to listener #6
Do not crash if handler fails #7

v0.0.1 (2021-07-25)

A first version


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