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aiotaika 0.1.2
Taika asynchronous client library for Python
This library provides a very intuitive API for developers to easily create Python applications for Taika Tech's Spatial User Interface (SUI). With SUI, you can program actions to your physical environment, which are triggered based on location, orientation, and/or gesture data coming from a Taika Ring or Taika Tag.
You can find aiotaika's documentation from Read the Docs.
Basic Examples
For more examples, see examples folder of the repository.
Callback Example
In this example, we subscribe to move events and gesture events of ring ID 3.
In the callback function, we track the latest position and when a gesture event
happens, we print out which gesture was made with the latest location data.
With callbacks one can register one or more callbacks to a single callback function.
However, the Event type must be a parent class of all incoming event objects in that
callback function. Here RingGestureEvent and RingMoveEvent inherit from
import asyncio
from aiotaika import TaikaClient
from import EventType
from aiotaika.ring import RingGestureEvent, RingMoveEvent
Vector3 last_position
async def my_callback(event: RingEvent) -> None:
if isinstance(event, RingMoveEvent):
last_position = event.position
elif isinstance(event, RingGestureEvent):
print(f"{event.gesture} in position {last_position}")
async def main() -> None:
async with TaikaClient(
host="", username="root", password=""
) as taika:
rings = taika.rings
for key, ring in rings.items():
print("{}: {}".format(key, ring.metadata))
await rings[3].register_event_cb(EventType.RING_MOVE_EVT, my_callback)
await rings[3].register_event_cb(EventType.RING_GESTURE_EVT, my_callback)
await asyncio.sleep(5)
except KeyboardInterrupt:
Asynchronous Generator Example (no callbacks!)
This example shows simply how all the incoming events can be handled via the events
AsyncGenerator of the TaikaClient class. In this example, we simply print out a
ring's name and position when a RingMoveEvent happens.
import asyncio
from aiotaika import TaikaClient
from aiotaika.ring import RingMoveEvent
async def main() -> None:
async with TaikaClient(
host="", username="root", password=""
) as taika:
async with as events:
async for event in events:
if isinstance(event, RingMoveEvent):
print(f"Ring {} position:")
print(f"x: {event.position.x}, z: {event.position.z}")
print(f"height: {event.position.y}")
except KeyboardInterrupt:
Taika Development Kit
Note: these should be automatically satisfied if aiotaika is installed via pip.
You can find precise version requirements from pyproject.toml
For personal and professional use. You cannot resell or redistribute these repositories in their original state.
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