Last updated:
0 purchases
aiotnse 1.3.0
Asynchronous Python API for TNS-Energo.
Use pip to install the library:
pip install aiotnse
import asyncio
from pprint import pprint
import aiohttp
from aiotnse import SimpleTNSEAuth, TNSEApi
async def main(account: str) -> None:
"""Create the aiohttp session and run the example."""
async with aiohttp.ClientSession() as session:
auth = SimpleTNSEAuth(session)
api = TNSEApi(auth)
data = await api.async_get_latest_readings(account)
if __name__ == "__main__":
_account = string = str(input("Account: "))
The SimpleTNSEAuth client also accept custom access token (this can be found by sniffing the client).
This will return a price object that looks a little like this:
"STATUS": "Используется",
"counters": {
"1111111": [
"Can_delete": "0",
"DatePok": "06.02.2023",
"DatePosledPover": "31.12.2021",
"DatePover": "31.12.2037",
"DatePoverStatus": 0,
"DatePoverURL": "",
"GodVipuska": "01.01.22",
"KoefTrans": "1",
"Label": "Дневная зона",
"MaxPok": "2000",
"MestoUst": "Жилой дом",
"ModelPU": "Нева МТ 114 AS PLRFPC",
"NazvanieTarifa": "День",
"NazvanieUslugi": "Электроснабжение ",
"NomerTarifa": "0",
"NomerUslugi": "0100",
"PredPok": "700",
"RaschSch": "Работает",
"Razradnost": "6",
"RowID": "1111111",
"Tarifnost": "2",
"Type": "1",
"ZavodNomer": "22222222",
"sort": 0,
"zakrPok": "700"
"Can_delete": "0",
"DatePok": "06.02.2023",
"DatePosledPover": "31.12.2021",
"DatePover": "31.12.2037",
"DatePoverStatus": 0,
"DatePoverURL": "",
"GodVipuska": "01.01.22",
"KoefTrans": "1",
"Label": "Ночная зона",
"MaxPok": "2000",
"MestoUst": "Жилой дом",
"ModelPU": "Нева МТ 114 AS PLRFPC",
"NazvanieTarifa": "Ночь",
"NazvanieUslugi": "Электроснабжение ",
"NomerTarifa": "1",
"NomerUslugi": "0100",
"PredPok": "337",
"RaschSch": "Работает",
"Razradnost": "6",
"RowID": "1111111",
"Tarifnost": "2",
"Type": "1",
"ZavodNomer": "22222222",
"sort": 1,
"zakrPok": "337"
"result": true
aiotnse does not specify any timeouts for any requests. You will need to specify them in your own code. We recommend the timeout from asyncio package:
import asyncio
with asyncio.timeout(10):
data = await api.async_get_account_status(account)
For personal and professional use. You cannot resell or redistribute these repositories in their original state.
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