Aiozk 0.31.1 | Coderz Repository

aiozk 0.31.1

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aiozk 0.31.1

Asyncio zookeeper client (aiozk)

Table of Contents

Asyncio zookeeper client (aiozk)

Quick Example



Run tests
Testing approach
Recipes testing
Run some tests directly


Have no major bugs in client/session/connection, but recipes need more test
code to become more robust.
Any help and interest are welcome 😀
$ pip install aiozk

Quick Example
import asyncio
from aiozk import ZKClient

async def main():
zk = ZKClient('localhost')
await zk.start()
await zk.create('/foo', data=b'bazz', ephemeral=True)
assert b'bazz' == await zk.get_data('/foo')
await zk.close()

You may use recipes, similar to zoonado, kazoo, and other libs:
# assuming zk is aiozk.ZKClient

# Lock
async with await'/path/to/lock').acquire():
# ... Do some stuff ...

# Barrier
barrier ='/path/to/barrier)
await barrier.create()
await barrier.lift()
await barrier.wait()

# DoubleBarrier
double_barrier ='/path/to/double/barrier', min_participants=4)
await double_barrier.enter(timeout=0.5)
# ... Do some stuff ...
await double_barrier.leave(timeout=0.5)

You can find full list of recipes provided by aiozk here:
aiozk recipes
To understand ideas behind recipes please read
this and even more
recipes here. Make sure
you're familiar with all recipes before doing something new by yourself,
especially when it involves more than few zookeeper calls.
Don't mix different type of recipes at the same znode path. For example,
creating a Lock and a DoubleBarrier object at the same path. It may cause
undefined behavior 😓
NB: please ensure that you're using recent docker-compose version. You can get it by running
pip install --user -U docker-compose

Run tests
# you should have access to docker

docker-compose build

Or you can run tests with tox
pip install --user tox tox-docker

Testing approach
Most of tests are integration tests and running on real zookeeper instances.
We've chosen zookeeper 3.5 version since it has an ability to dynamic reconfiguration and we're going to do all connecting/reconnecting/watches tests on zk docker cluster as this gives us the ability to restart any server and see what happens.
# first terminal: launch zookeeper cluster
docker-compose rm -fv && docker-compose build zk && docker-compose up --scale zk=7 zk_seed zk

# it will launch cluster in this terminal and remain. last lines should be like this:

zk_6 | Servers: 'server.1=;\nserver.2=;\nserver.3=;\nserver.4=;\nserver.5=;\nserver.6=;'
zk_6 | CONFIG: server.1=;
zk_6 | server.2=;
zk_6 | server.3=;
zk_6 | server.4=;
zk_6 | server.5=;
zk_6 | server.6=;
zk_6 | server.7=;
zk_6 |
zk_6 |
zk_6 | Reconfiguring...
zk_6 | ethernal loop
zk_7 | Servers: 'server.1=;\nserver.2=;\nserver.3=;\nserver.4=;\nserver.5=;\nserver.6=;\nserver.7=;'
zk_7 | CONFIG: server.1=;
zk_7 | server.2=;
zk_7 | server.3=;
zk_7 | server.4=;
zk_7 | server.5=;
zk_7 | server.6=;
zk_7 | server.7=;
zk_7 | server.8=;
zk_7 |
zk_7 |
zk_7 | Reconfiguring...
zk_7 | ethernal loop

Run tests in docker:
docker-compose run --no-deps aiozk
# last lines will be about testing results

............lot of lines ommited........
Ran 3 tests in 1.059s


Run tests locally:
# ZK_IP can be something from logs above, like: ZK_HOST=
ZK_HOST=<ZK_IP> ./venv/bin/pytest

Recipes testing
It seems that usually recipes require several things to be tested:

That recipe flow is working as expected
Timeouts: reproduce every timeout with meaningful values (timeout 0.5s and block for 0.6s)

Run some tests directly
Another way to run tests only which you are interested in quickly. Or this is
useful when you run tests under the other version of python.
# Run zookeeper container
docker run -p 2181:2181 zookeeper

# Run pytest directly at the development source tree
export ZK_HOST=localhost
pytest -s --log-cli-level=DEBUG aiozk/test/


It is based on wglass/zoonado implementation


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