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aitoai 0.4.3
Check Github for the latest source code and documentation for more information.
Aito <>
The Aito Python SDK is an open-source library that helps you to integrate your Python application
to Aito quicker and more efficiently.
The SDK also includes the Aito Command Line Interface (CLI) that enables you to interact with Aito
using commands in your command-line shell, e.g: infer a table schema from a file or upload a file to Aito.
Support / Feedback
For issues with, questions about, or feedback, please join our support channels.
Aito Python SDK can be installed with pip
$ pip install aitoai
Check our installation guide for more information
You will need sphinx installed to generate the documentation.
pipinstallsphinx pip install sphinx_rtd_theme
Documentation can be generated by:
$ cd docs
$ make clean html
Generated documentation can be found in the docs/build/html/* directory.
The Python SDK SQL integration and the tests depend on the ODBC db drivers and
the postgres and mysql functionality.
The main drivers can be installed in Debian based Linuxes with:
` sudo apt install unixodbc-dev odbc-postgresql postgresql-client default-mysql-client pip install pyodbc `
You can find more information about installing the MySQL ODBC drivers [here](
Also note: that the database integration tests require local postgres / mySQL servers.
To run the test, you need to have the following environment variables defined:
Install the required packages:
$ pip install -r requirements/build.txt
$ pip install -r requirements/test.txt
You can use our test cli to run tests:
$ python -m tests -h
Some tests require some environment variables to be setup. Use the test CLI list command to discover and display the test suites and cases
There are multiple test suites:
CLI suite:
$ python -m tests -v suite cli
You need an Aito instance and set up the credentials with `AITO_INSTANCE_URL` and `AITO_API_KEY` to test some functions.
SDK suite:
$ python -m tests -v suite sdk
You need an Aito instance and set up the credentials with `AITO_INSTANCE_URL` and `AITO_API_KEY` to test some functions
SQL functions tests:
Test against Postgres:
$ python -m tests -v case sql_functions.test_connection.TestPostgresConnection
$ python -m tests -v case sql_functions.test_cli_sql_functions.TestPostgresFunctions
Test against MySQL:
$ python -m tests -v case sql_functions.test_connection.TestMySQLConnection
$ python -m tests -v case sql_functions.test_cli_sql_functions.TestMySQLFunctions
To test the SQL functions, you need to install pyodbc and the specific database ODBC driver.
Build and test built package:
To build the package:
$ pip install -r requirements/deploy.txt
$ ./scripts/deploy test.pypi --no-publish -b dev
WARNING: This will update the version in ‘aito/__init__’ file. DO NOT commit this to Git!
The built wheel should be at `dist/`. To install:
$ pip install dist/aitoai-<version>.whl
To test the built package, create an environment variable `TEST_BUILT_PACKAGE` and run the above tests
Test the documentation:
To test the inline documentation:
$ python -m tests -v suite inline_docs
To test the code blocks in rst files:
$ cd docs
$ curl -o reddit_sample.csv
$ make doctest
Making changes
Add unittest to the appropriate test suite (e.g: test case for Aito Schema: tests/sdk/ or create a new test suite inside the tests folder
Add documentation:
Inline documentation if applicable
Update .rst file in docs/source folder (e.g: Add a new Client function to docs/source/sdk.rst)
Add inline doc test if applicable (e.g: inline doc test for Aito Client: tests/inline_docs/
Remember to update the autodoc_mock_imports in file if there are additional requirements
Update the version in aito/__init__ to e.g. ‘1.2.3rc1’ and write release notes in docs/changelog.rst
Check CircleCI and issue a PR
Deploy to production (scripts/deploy) with the appropriate version after the PR is reviewed
For personal and professional use. You cannot resell or redistribute these repositories in their original state.
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