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AkvoResponseGrouper 1.2.0
Fast-API Response catalog for pre-computed query
$ pip install AkvoResponseGrouper
Schema Requirements
Please follow the required schema before using AkvoResponseGrouper.
Database Migration
Database migration is the first required step for AkvoResponseGrouper to work. Use the akvo-responsegrouper CLI to migrate all data sources with JSON configuration files to generate Materialized Views that AkvoResponseGrouper can then use.
$ akvo-responsegrouper
usage: akvo-responsegrouper [-h] [-c CONFIG] [-d]
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-c CONFIG, --config CONFIG
akvo-responsegrouper -c <json_file_config>
-d, --drop Drop the ar_category view table
To get the new endpoint provided by AkvoResponseGrouper, import the collection route to the App by:
from fastapi import FastAPI
from AkvoResponseGrouper.routes import collection_route
app = FastAPI(
title="Akvo Response Grouper Demo",
@app.get("/", tags=["Dev"])
def read_main():
return "OK"
Run Dev Containers
The dev environment contains two containers: FastAPI backend and PostGres db, to run:
docker compose up -d
Before go to the next step, wait until the service started at http://localhost:5000.
Seed Necessary Data
In order to debug the data itself. We need to seed the example form and fake datapoints
docker compose exec backend python -m script.seeder_form
docker compose exec backend python -m script.seeder_datapoint <number_of_datapoint>
Dev environment uses contents that is available in Akvo-ResponseGrouper/src/AkvoResponseGrouper. To create the Category Materialized View via CLI in dev environment:
python -m AkvoResponseGrouper.cli.migrate -c './sources/category.json'
After upgrade, you can see "AkvoResponseGrouper - Collection" is available in API docs, ussualy http://locahhost:5000/docs (Depends on the root path api).
python -m AkvoResponseGrouper.cli.migrate -c './sources/category.json'
docker compose down -v
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