Alcedo 0.1.7 | Coderz Repository

alcedo 0.1.7

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alcedo 0.1.7


This project aims to be the feature-incomplete version of httpx
and written in Rust.
Will this be a drop-in replacement for any of the leading packages like...

🐍 aiohttp ?

🐍 httpx ?

🐍 requests ?

Probably not.
But it aims to bring to Python the speed and feature-richness of Rust packages

🦀 hyper

🦀 reqwest

🦀 serde

Getting started
Example usage
print("Hello, World!")

Do you even bench bro?

Write (actual) asynchronous tests for aiohttp benchmarks.
Create asynchronous implementation for alcedo.Client.
Write asynchronous tests.
Write malformed-json test servers.
Create implementation where POST body can be attached.
Create implementation where DELETE requests can be made.
Write asynchronous tests for httpx and requests

To contribute to the project, fork the repository and clone to your local device and development
dependencies including four extra libraries not included in final builds as such:

maturin Build and publish crates with pyo3, rust-cpython and cffi bindings as well as rust binaries as python packages

mypy Optional static typing for Python

pytest The pytest framework makes it easy to write small tests, yet scales to support complex functional testing

ruff An extremely fast Python linter and code formatter, written in Rust.

Use the following commands to setup your local environment with development dependencies:
pip install --user poetry
poetry install --with dev

Acknowledgements by the amazing
@thrzl giving the easiest primer to oxidizing python interface.
hyperjson by the amazing
@mre even though has been archived since Sep 14, 2023 but really makes
JSON deserialization from Rust -> Python really approachable compared to alternatives.
Kingfisher 2017042438 under
CC0 1.0 Public Domain Protection whoever made this
is an artist du juor.

This project is licensed under the terms of the MIT license.


For personal and professional use. You cannot resell or redistribute these repositories in their original state.

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