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alert360 0.0.9
Alert 360 can be used to trigger any specific action on any specific data changes. The actions can involve any sort of variables required to complete the action and the trigger can be any sort of change in state in an SQL database
Compatible RDBMS
Microsoft SQL
Setup Instructions
Install the package
pip install alert360
Start a Django project
django-admin startproject djangoproject
Add the app to INSTALLED_APPS
Create a python file in which you can write your own actions that will be triggered when the state changes
from alert360.actions import ActionsManager
def print_changes(changes):
print("Some changes occured")
In the above code we declared our own custom function print_changes which will be called whenever the state changes and it will print the summary of changes.
However, there's one more step left to connect this function to the ActionsManager
In the file in the folder in which we created add the following line
from . import actions
Now run database migrations and create a superuser so you can access the admin website
python migrate
python createsuperuser
Now Login to the adminwebsite, connect a database, and create a new StateWatcher
For personal and professional use. You cannot resell or redistribute these repositories in their original state.
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