Alert Exporter 0.5.1 | Coderz Repository

alert-exporter 0.5.1

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alertexporter 0.5.1

Alert Exporter

Use the package manager pip to install alert-exporter.
pip install alert-exporter

❯ alert-exporter --help
Extract alerts configured in different sources (eg: Prometheus Rules, CloudWatch Alarms, Pingdom)

optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-v, --version show program's version number and exit
-o OUTPUT_FILE, --output-file OUTPUT_FILE
--jinja-template [JINJA_TEMPLATE]
-f {markdown,yaml,html}, --format {markdown,yaml,html}
--prometheus-filters PROMETHEUS_FILTERS
--context [CONTEXT]
--aws-profile AWS_PROFILE
--aws-region AWS_REGION
Specific region to target. Default: Iterate over all regions available.
--pingdom-api-key PINGDOM_API_KEY
--pingdom-tags PINGDOM_TAGS
Comma separated list of tags. Eg: tag1,tag2

Multiple sources are available, one or many can be selected
Kubernetes / Prometheus
The current context is used unless you provide the --context flag.
alert-exporter -o minikube.html --prometheus --context minikube

You can filter prometheus rule to match specific labels using the '--prometheus-filters' flag.
alert-exporter -o minikube.html --prometheus --context minikube --prometheus-filters '{"severity": "critical"}'

AWS Cloudwatch
All available regions are parsed unless you provide the --aws-region flag.
You need to be authenticated before using this tool.
alert-exporter -o aws.html --cloudwatch --aws-region eu-west-1 --aws-profile profile

An API key with read only permission is required to fetch the checks. The key can be provided in the PINGDOM_API_KEY environment variable.
alert-exporter -o pingdom.html --pingdom --pingdom-tags example-tag

Multiple sources at once
alert-exporter -o combined.html --prometheus --cloudwatch --aws-region eu-west-1

Predefined formats are provided with this tool:


You can use a custom format by providing a Jinja2 file with the --jinja-template flag.
HTML output example

Pull requests are welcome. For major changes, please open an issue first to discuss what you would like to change.


For personal and professional use. You cannot resell or redistribute these repositories in their original state.

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