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allurecombine 1.0.11
Allure single html file builder
Tool to build allure generated folder into a single html file
What it's doing?
After run by console command, or by call from python code, it:
Reads contents of allure-generated folder
Creates server.js file, which has all the data files inside and code to start fake XHR server
Patches index.html file, so it's using server.js and sinon-9.2.4.js (Taken from here), and could be run in any browser without --allow-file-access-from-files parameter of chrome browser
Creates file complete.html with all files built-in in a single file
Python 3.6+
You need to have your allure report folder generated (allure generate './some/path/to/allure/generated/folder')
Install with pip
pip install allure-combine
Install manually
Clone repo
git clone
cd allure-single-html-file
Install requirements (actually there are only BeautifulSoup)
pip install -r ./requirements.txt
python install
Run as console script
If you have cloned repo, not installed module via pip, replace allure-combine with python ./allure_combine/ in following commands:
Create complete.html file inside the allure folder itself
allure-combine ./some/path/to/allure/generated/folder
Create complete.html file inside specified folder:
allure-combine ./some/path/to/allure/generated/folder --dest /tmp
Ensure that specified dest folder exists (create if not)
allure-combine ./some/path/to/allure/generated/folder --dest /tmp/allure-2022-05-05_12-20-01/result --auto-create-folders
Remove sinon.js and server.js from allure folder after complete.html is generated:
allure-combine ./some/path/to/allure/generated/folder --remove-temp-files
If html/json files what should be utf-8 is has broken encoding, ignore errors:
allure-combine ./some/path/to/allure/generated/folder --ignore-utf8-errors
Import and use in python code
pip install allure-combine
from allure_combine import combine_allure
# 1) Create complete.html in allure-generated folder
# 2) Create complete.html in specified folder
combine_allure("./some/path/to/allure/generated/folder", dest_folder="/tmp")
# 3) Make sure that dest folder exists, create if not
# 4) Remove sinon.js and server.js from allure folder after complete.html is generated:
# 5) If html/json files what should be utf-8 is has broken encoding, ignore errors:
Functionality to open image or video in new browser tab doesn't work yet.
Need functionality to return combined file as a string, not saving it to a file directly
Functionality to not change source files at all, work in a read-only filesystem
Ports to other languages:
Javascript port:
For personal and professional use. You cannot resell or redistribute these repositories in their original state.
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