Ansible Tower Cli 3.3.9 | Coderz Product

ansible-tower-cli 3.3.9

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ansibletowercli 3.3.9

Welcome to tower-cli
tower-cli is a legacy command line tool for Ansible Tower.
It is also what the Ansible tower_* modules use under the hood. Such as:
These modules are now vendored as part of the AWX collection at:
Supporting correct operation of the modules is the maintenance aim of this
Anyone developing new tooling around AWX or Ansible Tower via a Unix command
line is suggested to use the new CLI.

Release History

3.3.9 (2020-03-12)

Improve error handling for template specification in workflow schema command.
Pin the click library to avoid changing look and feel of output.

3.3.8 (2020-01-14)

Process deprecated vault_credential parameter with extra request

3.3.7 (2019-10-25)

Job template associate_credential now uses “credentials” endpoint
Include related credentials to job templates in send and receive commands
Add field for job_slice_count to job template resource

3.3.6 (2019-07-19)

Fix formatting for upload to PyPI server

3.3.5 (2019-07-19)

Fix error with use of –insecure flag
Allow notifications to be used with projects
Fix send command error when job and workflow have the same name
Fix receive command when schedules have survey answers
Fix error associating credential with workflow node

3.3.4 (2019-04-22)

Fix receive command bugs related template labels
Fix receive command bug when importing to custom credential types
Fix receive command bug when host name was in multiple inventories
Fix bugs with special characters in config options
Fix bug using HipChat notification “notify” option
Password prompt written to stderr now
Support prompting for inventory and variables with workflows
Allow managing certain user-configurable instance properties

3.3.3 (2019-03-22)

Fix bug where workflow schema would hang if there were too many nodes
Add organization job_template_role to role management

3.3.2 (2019-01-28)

Fix bug where verify_ssl config parameter was not respected
Fix bug where –all-pages was ignored listing team roles

3.3.1 (2019-01-24)

Fixed associating labels to workflows
Associating labels to job template now takes option as –job-template
Allow adding workflows inside of workflows
Allow exporting schedules of workflows
Send command now uses default terminal background color
Fix some unicode errors in send/receive commands
Hide display of page number for human-formatted single page results
Allow setting the custom virtual environment on projects and organizations

3.3.0 (2018-04-25)

Added send and receive commands to export and import resources
Added support for import and export role memberships as well
Added login command for token-based auth (AWX feature)
Added options for workflow nodes and schedules (AWX feature)
Added support for server-side copying (AWX feature)
Added resource for activity stream
Added abstract resource for job events
Bug fixes for label creation, workflow monitor, global config, role list

3.2.1 (2017-12-19)

Added support for using settings from environment vars in normal CLI use
Made many-to-many relations easier to manage with a new field type
Installed new CLI entry point, awx-cli
Allowed setup and testing to proceed without root privileges
Added project and inventory update resources to enable more functionality
Fixed bug when copying resources that use the variables field type
Fixed bug that caused debug messages to hang with long line lengths
Fixed bug with side-by-side install of v1 and v2
Fixed bug where –all-pages was ignored for roles
Allowed use of –format=id with multiple results
Added cleaner handling of Unicode

3.2.0 (2017-10-04)

Officially support using tower_cli as a python library.
Major documentation updates. From 3.2.0 docs are hosted on
Added project_update and inventory_update resources to allow canceling and deleting.

Updates from Tower 3.2:

Migrated to API V2. All API calls will start with /api/v2 instead of /api/v1.
Made inventory_source an external resource and remove the old relationship to its associated group. Remove launching inventory updates from group resource.
Added credential_type resource and significantly modified credential resource to reveal user-defined credentials feature of Tower 3.2.
Added job template extra credential (dis)association to reveal extra_credential field of 3.2 job templates.
Removed all source-specific inventory source fields and replaced them with a credential field.
Updated inventory resource fields to reveal smart inventory and insights integration features of Tower 3.2.
Added list_fact and insights commands to host resource to reveal smart inventory and insights integration features of Tower 3.2.
Added instance and instance_group resources to reveal instance/instance group feature of Tower 3.2.
Enabled (dis)associating instance groups to(from) organization, job_template and inventory resources to reveal instance/instance group feature of Tower 3.2.
Added support for Tower 3.2 SCM inventory sources.
Updated job_template resource fields to reveal changes in Tower 3.2, including –diff mode feature.
Updated job resource launch command to reveal changes in Tower 3.2, including –diff mode feature.
Updated ad_hoc resource fields to reveal changes in Tower 3.2, including –diff mode feature. Specifically, changed name of –become of launch command into –become-enabled.

Deprecated features:

Removed permission resource.
Disabled launching a job using the jobs endpoint.
Removed scan jobs in favor of new job fact cache.
Removed Rackspace options.
Remove outdated association function for project’s organization.

Reflected from 3.1.8:

Include method of installing with alias tower-cli-v2
Fix bug of incomplete role membership lookup, preventing granting of roles.
Combine click parameters from multiple base classes in metaclass.
Fix unicode bug in human display format.
Add new page_size parameter to list view.
Add scm_update_cache_timeout field to project resource.
Begin process to deprecate python 2.6.

3.1.7 (2017-08-07)

Follow up 3.1.6 by duplicating to support import tower_cli.utils.exceptions syntax.

3.1.6 (2017-07-18)

Fix a usage compatibility issue for Ansible Tower modules.

3.1.5 (2017-07-12)

Major code base file structure refactor. Now all click-related logics are moved to tower_cli/cli/ directory,
and as well as are moved out of utils directory into base directory.
Categorize help text options for resource action commands (like update) to increase readability.
Behavior change of workflow schema command. Now schema will both create new nodes and delete existing nodes when
needed to make the resulting workflow topology exactly the same as described in schema file.
Add command job_template callback to enable conducting provisioning callback via Tower CLI.
Add new format option to just echo id.
Expand some resource fields, including hipchat rooms for notification template and allow_simultaneous for job
Lookup related inventory sources with “starts with” logic if its name is not fully qualified.
Fixed a python 3.5 compatibility issue that causes job monitor traceback.
Minor typo and help text updates.

3.1.4 (2017-06-07)

Support resource copy subcommand.
Support auth-token-based authentication for Tower CLI requests.
Support managing workflow roles, labels and notifications via Tower CLI.
Several fixes on RPM spec file.
Name change from ‘foreman’ to ‘satellite6’ in credential kind choices.
Fixed a bug where creating job templates with –extra-vars did not work after
3.1.0 upgrade.
Fixed traceback when launching job with –use-job-endpoint.
Enhanced json library usage to prevent traceback when using earlier python 2.6
Prevent throwing unnecessary warning when reading from global configuration file.

3.1.3 (2017-03-22)

Fixed a bug where extra_vars were dropped in some commands.

3.1.2 (2017-03-21)

Fixed a bug where global flags are not added to some commands.

3.1.1 (2017-03-13)

Fixed a bug which blocks named resources from using runtime configure settings.
Fixed a bug in 3.1.0 which sometimes causes traceback when pk value is given.

3.1.0 (2017-03-09)

Improved job monitoring functionality to enable standard out streaming, which
displays real-time job output on command line.
Added workflow, workflow_job and node endpoints to manipulate workflow graph
and manage workflow job resources. Reflecting workflows feature of Tower 3.1.
Added settings command to manage Tower settings via Tower CLI. Reflecting
Configure Tower in Tower (CTiT) feature of Tower 3.1.
Included timeout option to certain unified job template resources. Reflecting
job timeout feature of Tower 3.1.
Added unicode support to extra_vars and variable types.
Several minor bug fixes to improve user experience.

3.0.3 (2017-02-07)

Expose custom inventory script resource to the user
Include tests and docs in the release tarball
Added job template skip_tags prompting support
Added job template callback support

3.0.2 (2016-12-08)

Enable configuring tower-cli via environment variables

3.0.1 (2016-09-22)

Added custom SSL certificate support

3.0.0 (2016-08-05)

Added text indicator for resource change
Allow hosts, inventory, and groups to use variables from the command line
and denote a file by starting with “@”
Added resource role for tower3.0 and permission for previous tower versions
Added notification templates
Added labels
Added description display option
Added deprecation warnings
Help text upgrades
Give indication of “changed” apart from color
New credential fields to support openstack-v2, networking and azure
New options for inventory source/group. Add implicit resource inventory
credential updates (no longer require user/team)
Added support for system auditors
projects (do not post to organizations/N/projects)
prompt-for JT fields + job launch options (allow blank inventory too)
Update the POST protocol for associate and disassociate actions
New job launch option for backwards compatibility
New tower-cli option to display tower-cli version
Enhanced debug log format (support multi-line debug log)

2.3.2 (2016-07-21)

Add RPM specfile and Makefile
Tower compatibility fixes
Allow scan JTs as an option for “job_type”
Add ability to create group as subgroup of another group
Add YAML output format against JSON and humanized output formats
Add SSL corner case error handling and suggestion
Allow resource disassociation with “null”

2.3.1 (2015-12-10)

Fixed bug affecting force-on-exists and fail_on_found options
Changed extra_vars behavior to be more compliant by re-parsing vars,
even when only one source exists
Fixed group modify bug, avoid sending unwanted fields in modify requests

2.3.0 (2015-10-20)

Fixed an issue where the settings file could be world readable
Added the ability to associate a project with an organization
Added setting “verify_ssl” to disallow insecure connections
Added support for additional cloud credentials
Exposed additional options for a cloud inventory source
Combined “ launch-time extra_vars” with “ job_template extra_vars”
for older Tower versions
Changed the extra_vars parameters to align with Ansible parameter
Added the ability to run ad hoc commands
Included more detail when displaying job information
Added an example bash script to demonstrate tower-cli usage

2.1.1 (2015-01-27)

Added tests for Python versions 2.6 through 3.4
Added shields for github README
Added job_tags on job launches
Added option for project local path

2.1.0 (2015-01-21)

Added the ability to customize the set of fields used as options for
a resource
Expanded monitoring capability to include projects and inventory
Added support for new job_template job launch endpoint

2.0.2 (2014-10-02)

Added ability to set local scope for config file
Expanded credential resource to allow options for cloud credentials

2.0.1 (2014-07-18)

Updated README and error text

2.0.0 (2014-07-15)

Pluggable resource architecture built around click


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