Ansible Variables 0.7.0 | Coderz Repository

ansible-variables 0.7.0

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ansiblevariables 0.7.0


The Ansible inventory provides a very powerful framework to declare variables in a hierarchical manner.
There a lof of different places where a variable can be defined (inventory, host_vars, groups_vars, ...)
and Ansible will merge them in a specific order
(variable precedence).
ansible-variables will help to keep track of your host context variables:

inventory file or script group vars
inventory group_vars/all
inventory group_vars/*
inventory file or script host vars
inventory host_vars/*

Based on one host it will return a list with all variables, values and variable type.
Tested with ansible-core 2.11 - 2.17.
pip install ansible-variables

The command line usage is similar to the official Ansible CLI tools, especially like ansible-inventory,
thus to see all possible commands and options run
ansible-variables --help

Get all variables for a host
The basic usage is pretty simple, you only need to pass the Ansible hostname to it:
ansible-variables mywebserver

This results in following simple rich formatted output

The verbosity can be increased Ansible like with -v, -vvv, ...
With -v the inventory files where the variable is defined, will be printed. The last file wins.

With -vvv it will also print all files which were considered to look for the variable.
Get one specific variables for a host
If you are only interested in one variable you can specify it with --var:
ansible-variables mywebserver --var foo

Same es above, the verbosity can also increase here.
More customization
With --help you will see which further arguments are possible, e.g. you can set the path to your inventory with -i
ansible-variables mywebserver -i /path/to/inventory

This tool is tightly coupled to the Ansible library (ansible-core) and simple reuses what is already there.
The whole structure and implementation was inspired and oriented by the implementation of
To get the source and the inventory files in which Ansible will look for a variable,
we are using a debug flag
in Ansible's get_vars method.
As as result, the output of ansible-variables can be fully trusted
as it uses the same methods as Ansible to get the variable precedence.

as written in the description, this tool only shows host context variables and
does not know anything about playbook or role variables or command line options.


the screenshots used in this README where created with termshot

This project is licensed under the GNU General Public License v3.0


For personal and professional use. You cannot resell or redistribute these repositories in their original state.

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