Ansicolor | Coderz Product


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ANSI / Xterm 256 color library for Dart #
Feel like you're missing some color in your terminal programs? Use AnsiPen to add ANSI color codes to your log messages.
Easy to disable for production, just set color_disabled = true and all codes will be empty - no re-writing debug messages.
Note: color_disabled is a global variable for all pen colors.
Example #
Note: Be mindful of contrasting colors. If you set "bright white" foreground and don't adjust the background, you'll have a bad time with lighter terminals.
Foreground to bright white with default background:
AnsiPen pen = AnsiPen()..white(bold: true);
print(pen("Bright white foreground") + " this text is default fg/bg");
copied to clipboard
Background as a peach, foreground as white:
AnsiPen pen = AnsiPen()..white()..rgb(r: 1.0, g: 0.8, b: 0.2, bg: true);
print(pen("White foreground with a peach background"));
copied to clipboard
Note #
If color isn't working for you; try setting ansiColorDisabled = false;. We're relying on the stdio object to inform us of ANSI terminal support. Sometimes this is wrong.
Prior versions of this library just turned on color by default.
Rainbow Demo #
If you want a specific color, you can call the xterm() with the index listed in the rainbow below. To show the rainbow on your own terminal, pub run examples/ansicolor.dart


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