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aoe2aifmt 0.2
Age of Empires 2 AI Rule Formatter
This project provides a script that allows basic syntax checking and formatting of AoE2 .per files.
Note that this tool is currently a work-in-progress. Crucially, it does not yet have full compatibility with .per files built for DE or User Patch versions of the game.
This tool depends on Python >= 3.6.
It has been developed using Python 3.6 on Ubuntu for Windows (WSL), but has also been tested against Python 3.8 on Ubuntu 20.04, and Python 3.8 on Windows 10.
In any case, the tool should work fine in any environment which provides the required Python version. Development requires a Linux environment.
Library Usage
The tool can be used from the command line, or can be used as a library in your python projects.
To use as a library, you can install via pip.
pip install aoe2-ai-fmt
Then use the format_per function as follows.
from performat import format_per
# Define a string containing some messy per content
(defrule (players-unit-type-count 1 scout-cavalry < 6)
(goal 1 100) (disable-self) )
# Write formatted per content to formatted_output.per
with open('formatted_output.per', 'w', encoding='utf8', newline='\r\n') as out:
format_per(in_string=my_per_content, out_stream=out)
See for an alternative usage example.
Usage From Source
Building the tool requires ANTLR v4.8, pipenv, and GNU Make.
Installation From Source
Clone the repository, and then use pipenv to create a python virtualenv and install the necessary dependencies within it. Specify the --dev argument if you're going to be making changes.
pipenv --python 3 install [--dev]
(Note that python 3.6 is required, but this is not enforced by the Pipfile thanks to a limitation in pipenv.)
It is then necessary to build the lexer, parser, and supporting files using antlr4. The provided Makefile can invoke this for you, provided antlr4 is in your $PATH.
Then, simply run the tool from the command line, from within the virtualenv:
# ./ <path/to/src.per> <path/to/output.per>
# If the output path is provided as '-' then the formatted script will instead be printed to STDOUT.
pipenv run ./ examples/multistmt.input.per -
Input files may use Windows or Unix style line endings. Output files will always be created with Windows line endings, to match the platform of the game.
A small suite of example inputs and their desired pretty printed equivalents are provided in the repo.
A basic test recipe is included in the Makefile to easily run the tool against all inputs, and allow manual inspection of any differences to the desired output.
make test
A make rule exists to run pylint, with the included .pylintrc ignoring the auto-generated ANTLR4 parser files.
make lint
As the tool is built using a parser, invalid syntax will cause the formatter to error.
The tool is built based upon the language details provided in the official documentation supplied with The Conquerors.
As this document isn't a formal language specification, some assumptions had to be made, particularly regarding allowed characters in identifiers and whitespace.
It is possible that files accepted by this tool will not be accepted by the game engine, or vice versa.
Notably, the more advanced actions and facts available in DE and User Patch are not currently supported by the tool, but support for these is in progress.
Note that this tool does not check anything more than basic syntax.
Non-existant facts or actions, incorrect numbers of arguments, undefined constants, and other similar errors will not be detected by this tool.
For personal and professional use. You cannot resell or redistribute these repositories in their original state.
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