Apapi 0.5.0 | Coderz Repository

apapi 0.5.0

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apapi 0.5.0

APAPI is an unofficial library that allows you to connect to Anaplan APIs using
Python. Currently, you can authenticate using either Basic Authentication
(email & password), or OAuth2 (client_id & refresh_token, both non-rotatable and
rotatable) - Cert based authentication is on the roadmap.
Use Bulk, Transactional, ALM and Audit endpoints, with more coming soon!
As an abstract example, here we export some CSV and import it back to Anaplan:
>> > import apapi
>> > with apapi.BasicAuth(f"{email}:{password}") as authentication:
>> > my_connection = apapi.BulkConnection(authentication)
>> > my_connection.run_export(model_id, export_id)
>> > data = my_connection.get_file(model_id, export_id)
>> > print(data.decode())
Versions, Data, Text
Actual, 1, test
Budget, 2.5, ąćęłńśżź
Forecast, -3,😂
>> > my_connection.put_file(model_id, file_id, data)
>> > my_connection.run_import(model_id, import_id)

Full documentation can be found here.
Check examples
or tests
for more examples and hints about usage.
Installing Anaplan Python API and Supported Versions
APAPI is available on PyPI:
$ python -m pip install apapi

APAPI supports Python 3.9+.
More Info

Official Anaplan APIs Postman Collection
Official documentation of Anaplan APIs
Official documentation of Anaplan Connect V4 (Java)
Official Anaplan Connect repository

How to Contribute
Contributions are welcome, even if you can't code it - in such case, please submit
an issue if you need any additional feature (preferably in the form of User Story,
like "As {who} I need {what} because {why}").
If you encounter any bugs, please report the problem with a description and error log.


For personal and professional use. You cannot resell or redistribute these repositories in their original state.

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