Api To Model | Coderz Repository


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api to model

API to model plugin is developed to improve prodectivity and to reduce time for api impletation in the application.
Getting started #
API to Model Generator #
API to Model generator is a Command line tool for generating Dart models (json_serializable) using API calls. Given an API details, this library will generate all the necessary Dart classes to parse and generate JSON.
Installation #
on pubspec.yaml
path: 1.8.0
args: 2.3.0
build_runner_core: 7.1.0
io: 1.0.3
logging: 1.0.0
expressions: 0.2.3
build_runner: 2.1.0
json_serializable: 6.1.4
json_annotation: 4.4.0
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install using pub get command or if you using dart vscode/android studio, you can use install option.
Why #
Problem #
You might have a system or back-end REST app, and you want to build a dart app. you may start create models for your data. but to convert from Dart Map need extra work, so you can use json_serializable, but it just to let you handle data conversion, you still need to type it model by model, what if you have huge system that require huge amount of models. to write it all up might distress you.
Solution #
This command line tool will read your existing api_list.json file from your project lib folder and hit the API. If it is success, response will convert into dart(json_serializable) files.
Note : Don't rename the api_list.json file. And paste it into your /lib folder.
How #
Command line tool read your api_list.json file and hit the api url, get the response and find the possible type, variable name, import uri, decorator and will write it into the templates.
Create/copy api_list.json files into /lib(default) on root of your project. Add your API details in api_list.json file.
url is your API url.
method is your API method - GET, POST, PUT, DELETE
model_filename is name of your model file name.
headers are API headers.
input is request body data.
Create .dart file inside /bin folder and add the following line.
export 'package:api_to_model/api_to_model.dart';
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and then run the following command
flutter pub run filename.dart
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filename.dart is the name of the file which you have created insdie the /bin folder.
Now, the tool will read your API list which you have added in api_list.json file and create the model files inside /lib/models/


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