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Have you ever wanted to build something but you had no idea what to do? Just as authors sometimes have "writers block" it's also true for developers. This list is intended to solve this issue once and for all! 👍
These applications are:
This is not just a simple list of projects, but a collection that describes each project in enough detail so that you can develop it from the ground up!
Each project has the following features:
Here you can watch a video about this repository.
Projects are divided into three tiers based on the knowledge and experience required to complete them.
Tier Developer Profile 1 Developers in the early stages of their learning journey. Those who are typically focused on creating user-facing applications. 2 Developers at an intermediate stage of learning and experience. They are comfortable in UI/UX, using development tools, and building apps that use API services. 3 Developers who have all of the above, and are learning more advanced techniques like implementing backend applications and database services.For personal and professional use. You cannot resell or redistribute these repositories in their original state.
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