Appcenter Sdk Flutter | Coderz Repository


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appcenter sdk flutter

App Center SDK for Flutter #
This package supports only the Analytics and Crashes parts of the sdk.
Usage #
import 'package:appcenter_sdk_flutter/appcenter_sdk_flutter.dart';
import 'package:flutter/material.dart';

Future<void> main() async {
await AppCenter.start(secret: '<APP-SECRET>');
FlutterError.onError = (final details) async {
await AppCenterCrashes.trackException(
message: details.exception.toString(),
type: details.exception.runtimeType,
stackTrace: details.stack,
runApp(const MyApp());

class MyApp extends StatefulWidget {
const MyApp({super.key});

State<MyApp> createState() => _MyAppState();

class _MyAppState extends State<MyApp> {
Widget build(final BuildContext context) => MaterialApp(
home: Scaffold(
appBar: AppBar(
title: const Text('App Center Sdk'),
body: Center(
child: ElevatedButton(
onPressed: () {
int.parse('not a number');
child: const Text('TrackException'),
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AppCenter #
await AppCenter.start('secret');
await AppCenter.enable();
await AppCenter.disable();
final isEnabled = await AppCenter.isEnabled();
final isConfigured = await AppCenter.isConfigured();
final installId = await AppCenter.getInstallId();
final isRunningInAppCenterTestCloud = await AppCenter.isRunningInAppCenterTestCloud();
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AppCenter Analytics #
await AppCenterAnalytics.trackEvent(name: 'A Event', properties: {'property':'value'}, flags: 1);
await AppCenterAnalytics.pause();
await AppCenterAnalytics.resume();
await AppCenterAnalytics.enable();
await AppCenterAnalytics.disable();
final isEnabled = await AppCenterAnalytics.isEnabled();
await AppCenterAnalytics.enableManualSessionTracker();
await AppCenterAnalytics.startSession();
final isSetted = AppCenterAnalytics.setTransmissionInterval(3);
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AppCenter Crashes #
await generateTestCrash();
final hasReceivedMemoryWarningInLastSession = AppCenterCrashes.hasReceivedMemoryWarningInLastSession();
final hasCrashedInLastSession = AppCenterCrashes.hasCrashedInLastSession();
await AppCenterCrashes.enable();
await AppCenterCrashes.disable();
final isEnabled = AppCenterCrashes.isEnabled();
await AppCenterCrashes.trackException(message: 'MessageException', type: MessageException.runtimeType, stackTrace: StackTrace.fromString('stackTraceString'), properties: {'property':'value'});
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When using the trackException, the flutter stack trace will appear in App Center.


Pigeon #
Since I always forget the command, I noted it here.
flutter pub run pigeon --input pigeons/messages.dart


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