Astest 0.1.0 | Coderz Repository

astest 0.1.0

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astest 0.1.0

astest: assert based testing
The quick, easy way to write tests in Python.
Get the tool by installing it from pip:
pip install astest

The tool doesn't have to be installed in your project's environment, you can
also install it in your global Python (since it has no dependencies).
Then give it a file containing "tests" (explained below):

You can also easily run it via pipx:
pipx run astest

Test files
astest expects a file that does assert's at runtime.
So to write a test for your code, simply do asserts in your file:
from my_library import add

assert add(12, 13) == 25
assert add(33, 77) == 100 # This one is false
assert add(123, 123) == 246

Running this will look like this:
$ astest examples/
Test 1..................................................................PASSED
Test 2..................................................................FAILED
Failing test: assert add(33, 77) == 100
Test 3..................................................................PASSED
===================== 1 failed, 2 passed in 0.00 seconds =====================

If a test fails and you wish to debug it, you can run astest with --debug:
$ astest examples/
Test 1..................................................................PASSED
Test 2..................................................................FAILED
Failing test: assert add(33, 77) == 100
Starting debug session:
>>> add(33, 77)
>>> # Oh okay.
>>> ^D
Test 3..................................................................PASSED
===================== 1 failed, 2 passed in 0.00 seconds =====================

Local Development / Testing

Create and activate a virtual environment
Run pip install -r requirements-dev.txt to do an editable install
Run pytest to run tests

Type Checking
Run mypy .
Create and upload a package to PyPI
Make sure to bump the version in setup.cfg.
Then run the following commands:
rm -rf build dist
python sdist bdist_wheel

Then upload it to PyPI using twine:
twine upload dist/*


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