Atlasapprox 0.2.0 | Coderz Repository

atlasapprox 0.2.0

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atlasapprox 0.2.0

Python interface to cell atlas approximations
Cell atlases such as Tabula Muris and Tabula Sapiens are multi-organ single cell omics data sets describing entire organisms. A cell atlas approximation is a lossy and lightweight compression of a cell atlas that can be streamed via the internet.
This project enables biologists, doctors, and data scientist to quickly find answers for questions such as:

What is the expression of a specific gene in human lung?
What are the marker genes of a specific cell type in mouse pancreas?
What fraction of cells (of a specific type) express a gene of interest?

In addition to this interface, these questions can be asked in R or in a language agnostic manner using the REST API. See the documentation for more info.


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