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audiotagger #
This library allow you to read and write ID3 tags to MP3 files.
Based on JAudiotagger library.
Library actually works only on Android.
Add dependency #
audiotagger: ^2.2.1
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Audiotagger need access to read and write storage.
To do this you can use Permission Handler library.
Table of contents #
Basic usage
Reading operations
Read tags as Tag object
Read tags as map
Read artwork
Read audio file as AudioFile object
Read audio file as map
Writing operations
Write tags from map
Write tags from Tag object
Write single tag field
Tag class
Map of Tag
AudioFile class
Map of AudioFile
Basic usage #
Initialize a new instance of the tagger;
final tagger = new Audiotagger();
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Reading operations #
Read tags as Tag object #
Obtain ID3 tags of the file as a Tag object.
void getTags() async {
final String filePath = "/storage/emulated/0/file.mp3";
final Tag tag = await tagger.readTags(
path: filePath
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This method does not read the artwork of the song. To do this, use the readArtwork method.
The Tag object has this schema: Tag schema.
Read tags as map #
Obtain ID3 tags of the file as a Map.
void getTagsAsMap() async {
final String filePath = "/storage/emulated/0/file.mp3";
final Map map = await tagger.readTagsAsMap(
path: filePath
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This method does not read the artwork of the song. To do this, use the readArtwork method.
The map has this schema: Map of Tag schema.
Read artwork #
Obtain the artwork of the song as a Uint8List.
void getArtwork() async {
final String filePath = "/storage/emulated/0/file.mp3";
final Uint8List bytes = await tagger.readArtwork(
path: filePath
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Read audio file as AudioFile object #
Obtain informations about the MP3 file as a Tag object.
void getAudioFile() async {
final String filePath = "/storage/emulated/0/file.mp3";
final AudioFile audioFile = await tagger.readAudioFile(
path: filePath
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The AudioFile object has this schema: AudioFile schema.
Read audio file as map #
Obtain informations about the MP3 file as a Map.
void getAudioFileAsMap() async {
final String filePath = "/storage/emulated/0/file.mp3";
final Map map = await tagger.readAudioFileAsMap(
path: filePath
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The map has this schema: Map of AudioFile schema.
Writing operations #
Write tags from map #
You can write the ID3 tags from a Map.
To reset a field, pass an empty string ("").
If the value is null, the field will be ignored and it will not be written.
void setTagsFromMap() async {
final path = "storage/emulated/0/Music/test.mp3";
final tags = <String, String>{
"title": "Title of the song",
"artist": "A fake artist",
"album": "", //This field will be reset
"genre": null, //This field will not be written
final result = await tagger.writeTagsFromMap(
path: path,
tags: tags
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The map has this schema: Map of Tag schema.
Write tags from Tag object #
You can write the ID3 tags from a Tag object.
To reset a field, pass an empty string ("").
If the value is null, the field will be ignored and it will not be written.
void setTags() async {
final path = "storage/emulated/0/Music/test.mp3";
final tag = Tag(
title: "Title of the song",
artist: "A fake artist",
album: "", //This field will be reset
genre: null, //This field will not be written
final result = await tagger.writeTags(
path: path,
tag: tag,
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The Tag object has this schema: Tag schema.
Write single tag field #
You can write a single tag field by specifying the field name.
To reset the field, pass an empty string ("").
If the value is null, the field will be ignored and it will not be written. \
void setTags() async {
final path = "storage/emulated/0/Music/test.mp3";
final result = await tagger.writeTag(
path: path,
tagField: "title",
value: "Title of the song"
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Refer to Map of Tag schema for fields name.
Models #
These are the schemes of the Map and classes asked and returned by Audiotagger.
Tag class #
String? title;
String? artist;
String? genre;
String? trackNumber;
String? trackTotal;
String? discNumber;
String? discTotal;
String? lyrics;
String? comment;
String? album;
String? albumArtist;
String? year;
String? artwork; // It represents the file path of the song artwork.
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Map of Tag #
<String, String>{
"title": value,
"artist": value,
"genre": value,
"trackNumber": value,
"trackTotal": value,
"discNumber": value,
"discTotal": value,
"lyrics": value,
"comment": value,
"album": value,
"albumArtist": value,
"year": value,
"artwork": value, // Null if obtained from readTags or readTagsAsMap
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AudioFile class #
int? length;
int? bitRate;
String? channels;
String? encodingType;
String? format;
int? sampleRate;
bool? isVariableBitRate;
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Map of AudioFile #
<String, dynamic?>{
"length": length,
"bitRate": bitRate,
"channels": channels,
"encodingType": encodingType,
"format": format,
"sampleRate": sampleRate,
"isVariableBitRate": isVariableBitRate,
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Copyright and license #
This library is developed and maintained by Nicolò Rebaioli
🌐 My website
Released under MIT license
Copyright 2021 Nicolò Rebaioli
For personal and professional use. You cannot resell or redistribute these repositories in their original state.
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