Aurora Driver Gfxhat 1.0.0.Dev20220104225437

aurora-driver-gfxhat 1.0.0.dev20220104225437

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auroradrivergfxhat 1.0.0.dev20220104225437

Pimoroni GFX HAT Driver for Aurora Display Library
This is a driver package for the GFX HAT for the Raspberry Pi made by
Pimoroni. It uses its published gfxhat package as a dependency.

Note: To use this package you will need to provide your own installation
of Raspberry Pi OS (or compatible) since the Raspberry Pis GPIO bindings
are required and not available through PIP. Therefore also the gfxhat
library is not listed as a required dependency, however you won't be able
to run this code on a regular computer anyway.


For personal and professional use. You cannot resell or redistribute these repositories in their original state.

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