Auto Gator 0.3.0 | Coderz Repository

AutoGator 0.3.0

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AutoGator 0.3.0

The Automatic Chip Interrogator, by Sequoia Ploeg (BYU CamachoLab).
A software package for camera-assisted motion control and experiment
configuration of photonic integrated circuit interrogation platforms.
This package is cross-platform and can be installed on any operating system.
AutoGator is a client with algorithms for interacting with instruments
controlled by other softwares. It typically communicates with hardware using
socket connections.
It is recommended to use a virtual environment when installing Autogator.
To recreate the development environment, after manually installing the above packages, run:
pip install -r requirements.txt

Dev Notes
Possible algorithm for calibrating the stage

Home the stages
Open up a controller to move the stage to some beginning position with some item on the screen
Make sure the zoom is set to 1x, or know what the zoom level is
Move the controller some distance in x, whether in the controller or predefined
Click where the object has moved to
Move the controller some distance in y, whether in the controller or predefined
Click where the object has moved to
Calculate the number of pixels and equate it to some physical distance


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