Autokernel 0.9.9 | Coderz Product

autokernel 0.9.9

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autokernel 0.9.9

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About autokernel
Autokernel is primarily a kernel configuration management tool.
Its main purpose is to generate a kernel .config file from
a more formal description of your configuration.
To help you writing the configuration, it comes with some helpful features:

Detect kernel options for your system (based on information from /sys)
Manage the kernel configuration in a more structured and sane way.
Option conflict detection and conditional expressions for configuration statements
allow writing a sound and modular configuration that can be used with multiple kernel versions.
Build the kernel (and initramfs) and install them on the system

You may use it for any combination of the above, There is no need to
use it as a build system if you only want to detect options for your device.
Please have a look at the Introduction
section from the documentation, which explains more about what
this tool is designed for, and how it works.

Detecting kernel options
Automatically satisfying a kernel option

Quick start
To get started right away, please check out the Quick start guide.
For in-depth command explanations, visit the Usage section.
You can use pip to install autokernel, or run from source:
pip install autokernel

From source
git clone ""
cd autokernel
pip install -r requirements.txt
./bin/ --help

Afterwards you should run autokernel setup once to create a default configuration
in /etc/autokernel.
Kernel hardening
A special note if you are interested in hardening your kernel:
Be aware that autokernel provides a preconfigured module for kernel
hardening (hardening.conf), which is
compatible with any kernel version >= 4.0. Every choice is also fully documented
and explanined. Feel free to adjust it to your needs.
I would like to especially thank the following projects and people behind them:

kconfiglib for the awesome python library to load and process Kconfig files, whithout which this project would have been impossible.
sympy for the sophisitcated symbolic logic solver
lark for the great parsing library
LKDDb for providing the awesome Linux Kernel Driver Database (which is used for option detection)
KSSP for the great list of kernel hardening options
CLIP OS for their well documented and well chosen kernel options
kconfig-hardened-check for the collection of options from several kernel hardening resources


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