Autotwin Pnglib 0.1.0 | Coderz Repository

autotwin_pnglib 0.1.0

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autotwin pnglib 0.1.0

Petri Net Model Generation Library for Auto-Twin
The Petri Net Model Generation Library is a Python package designed to create, manipulate, and export Petri net models to a Neo4j database.
To facilitate installation, the PMS WSGI is released as a Python module, autotwin_pmswsgi, in the PyPI repository.
autotwin_pnglib has implicit dependencies on autotwin_gmglib and the optimization solver SCIP. These dependencies cannot be automatically resolved by pip and must be installed manually.

Install autotwin_gmglib by following the instructions provided here.
Install SCIP by following the instructions here. Using the precompiled binary for version 9.1.0 is sufficient.

Once autotwin_gmglib and SCIP are installed, you can easily install the other required Python packages with:
pip install -r requirements.txt


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