Aviatrix Flightcheck 0.1.1 | Coderz Repository

aviatrix-flightcheck 0.1.1

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aviatrixflightcheck 0.1.1

Aviatrix FlightCheck
Aviatrix FlightCheck collects information about an Aviatrix environment by querying the Aviatrix Controller API.
The recommended method for installing Aviatrix FlightCheck is to use the CloudFormation template. The CloudFormation template will create an Amazon Linux EC2 instance with FlightCheck automatically installed. SSH into the instance using the AWS Key Pair selected when deploying the template.
ssh -i <keypair> ec2-user@<IP of the deployed instance>

Optionally, you can manually install Aviatrix FlightCheck using pip. Refer to pip documentation for instructions on installing pip for your operating system.
pip3 install aviatrix-flightcheck

Aviatrix Controller Requirements
Update the security group for the Aviatrix Controller to allow TCP port 443 from the IP of the system where FlightCheck is installed. Use netcat to confirm the connectivity.
[ec2-user@ip-172-31-21-6 ~]$ nc -zv <controller-ip> 443
Ncat: Version 7.50 ( https://nmap.org/ncat )
Ncat: Connected to <controller_ip>:443.
Ncat: 0 bytes sent, 0 bytes received in 0.01 seconds.

Verify the output says "Connected to <controller_ip>:443" and not "Connection timed out.".
Execute FlightCheck
To excecute the FlightCheck, run the following command:
flightcheck --controller_ip x.x.x.x --username <controller_username>

You will be prompted to enter the password for the user. The account used can be a read-only account.
FlightCheck will run a list of pre-defined checks and output the results to the screen. The output can be saved to a file for review offline using the following command:
flightcheck --controller_ip x.x.x.x --username <controller_username> > flightcheck-output.txt

If FlightCheck was run on a remote instance, copy the output to a local system. On the local system:
scp -i <keypair> ec2-user@<IP of FlightCheck instance>/home/ec2-user/flightcheck-output.txt <local path to save to>

Adjust paths and filenames as needed.


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