Awesome Edge Computing | Coderz Product

Awesome Edge Computing

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Awesome Edge Computing is a curated collection of remarkable frameworks, simulators, tools, and resources focused on edge computing. It aims to provide developers, researchers, and enthusiasts with a comprehensive list of resources that facilitate the implementation and simulation of edge computing solutions. This repository covers a variety of topics within the domain, including but not limited to edge AI, fog computing, serverless architectures, and more.


  • Comprehensive Resource List: A wide array of tools, frameworks, and simulators concentrating on edge computing.
  • Categorized Listings: Resources organized by categories such as Frameworks, Simulators, Tools, etc., for easy navigation.
  • Regular Updates: Continuous addition of new tools and frameworks to keep the list current with the latest advancements in edge computing technology.
  • Community Contributions: Open for submissions and contributions from the community to enhance the repository's breadth and depth.
  • Documentation and Links: Each entry includes brief descriptions and links to official documentation, GitHub repositories, and additional resources for more in-depth learning.


  • Knowledge: A basic understanding of edge computing concepts, frameworks, and architectures.
  • Contributions: All contributions must be well-documented, including a description, usage instructions, and, where applicable, links to official resources.
  • Technical Proficiency: Familiarity with Markdown formatting for adding resources to the repository.


  1. Fork the Repository: Click the "Fork" button in the upper right corner of the repository page to create a personal copy.

  2. Clone Your Fork: Use the following command to clone your fork to your local machine:

    CopyReplitgit clone
  3. Create a New Branch: Navigate into the cloned directory and create a new branch for your contribution:

    CopyReplitcd awesome-edge-computing
    git checkout -b your-feature-branch
  4. Add Your Resource: In the appropriate section of the repository, add your resource, including a brief description and a link to its documentation or source code.

  5. Commit Your Changes: After making your updates, commit the changes:

    CopyReplitgit add .
    git commit -m "Add resource: [Resource Name]"
  6. Push Your Changes: Push your changes to your fork on GitHub:

    CopyReplitgit push origin your-feature-branch
  7. Open a Pull Request: Go to your fork on GitHub and press the "Compare & pull request" button. Provide a clear description of your changes and submit the pull request.

  8. Stay Updated: Keep an eye on your pull request for any feedback from the maintainers.


For personal and professional use. You cannot resell or redistribute these repositories in their original state.

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