Aws Resource Monitor 1.0.0 | Coderz Repository

aws-resource-monitor 1.0.0

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awsresourcemonitor 1.0.0

AWS Resource Monitor
Small Python 3.5+ convenience library to easily monitor CPU and memory usage in AWS Batch jobs and report them to StatsD. Since it uses ECS Task Metadata V3 endpoints it is perfectly suitable to do so for other type of ECS tasks as well.
You can install this package by using pip:
pip install aws-resource-monitor

If you fancy pipenv use:
pipenv install aws-resource-monitor

To install from source, run:
python install

To install via requirements file, add the following:
-e git+

First off, you need to require the library:
from aws_resource_monitor import resource_monitoring

The resource_monitoring is a context manager accepting two positional arguments:

statsd_client is your own instance of StatsD client (see PythonStatsD library which will be used to report metrics.
metrics_prefix is a string which will prefix individual metrics.

Optionally, you can pass in keyword argument interval with timedelta object customizing polling period for new metrics (default is every five seconds).
with resource_monitoring(statsd_client, metrics_prefix):

Behind the scenes, resource_monitoring context manager first checks for existence of ECS_CONTAINER_METADATA_URI environment variable. If it is not found, the monitor does nothing thus working well in development.
In production or when the variable exists, it creates a separate thread from your main application that reads task UUID and polls the "stats" endpoint in the metadata URI to complete and send as gauge the following metrics:


A more complete example would be:
import statsd
from aws_resource_monitor import resource_monitoring

statsd = statsd.StatsClient('localhost', 8125)

with resource_monitoring(statsd, "example.metrics.", interval=timedelta(seconds=10)):

For example, for the task UUID assigned by AWS "afc92259-3a0c-4e14-8e23-a49cc41e7947" this will report gauge "example.metrics.afc92259-3a0c-4e14-8e23-a49cc41e7947.memory.usage" and in ten seconds check and report again.

Check for open issues or open a new issue for a feature request or a bug.
Fork the repository and make your changes to the master branch (or branch off of it).
Send a pull request.

Run the linter with:
make lint

The client library uses Black for code formatting. Code must be formatted with Black before PRs are submitted. Run the formatter with:
make fmt

v1.0.0: 08/06/2020
Initial version.


For personal and professional use. You cannot resell or redistribute these repositories in their original state.

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