A9x Webstatistics 0.9.2 | Coderz Product

a9x-webstatistics 0.9.2

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a9xwebstatistics 0.9.2

Web Statistics and Analytics
This package produces web statistics and analytical output based on nginx access log files.

Live Example
Visit the live example on logikfabrik.com.
pip install a9x-webstatistics

Requirements on Linux / Unix

nginx standard access log file
python3.9 onwards
optional: maxmind db which need to be download by end user after registration

Deployment on Linux / Unix

export LOG=/usr/local/www/webstats.log
export PATH=/usr/local/www/django5/envpy311/bin:$PATH

python3.11 -m a9x_webstatistics.main \
--infile /var/log/nginx-access.log \
--geoip /usr/local/share/GeoIP/GeoLite2-Country.mmdb \
--statfile /usr/local/www/lf_static/webstatsLF24.json &> $LOG

python3.11 -m a9x_webstatistics.gencockpit \
--infile /usr/local/www/lf_static/webstatsLF24.json \
--outfile /usr/local/www/lf_static/webstatsLF24.html &>> $LOG

Cron-Job Entry for Linux / FreeBSD:
#minute hour mday month wday who command
13,58 * * * * dj1 /usr/local/www/cronjobs/cron_webstatistics.sh

Installation on Windows
# install on windows:

## install a virtual env for python
python -m venv c:\temp\webstatsenv

## activate env

## install a9x-webstatistics
pip install a9x-webstatistics
python -m pip install --upgrade pip
python -m pip list

Deployment on Windows
# run
cd \temp
wget -URI https://www.logikfabrik.com/wlog/access.log -OutFile access.log

## active env

## create calculate statistics
## there are no country statistics created as not geoip defined
python -m a9x_webstatistics.main --infile access.log --statfile webstatsLF.json

## create html file for webstatistics
python -m a9x_webstatistics.gencockpit --infile webstatsLF.json --outfile webstatsLF.html


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