Azure Ai Metricsadvisor 1.0.1 | Coderz Repository

azure-ai-metricsadvisor 1.0.1

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azureaimetricsadvisor 1.0.1

Microsoft Azure SDK for Python
This package is no longer being maintained, as the service has been retired. There is no replacement package for this package.
Release History
1.0.1 (2024-08-26)
Other Changes

This package is no longer being maintained, as the service has been retired. There is no replacement package for this package.

1.0.0 (2021-07-06)
Breaking Changes


DetectionConditionsOperator -> DetectionConditionOperator
cross_conditions_operator -> condition_operator
AnomalyAlert.created_on -> AnomalyAlert.created_time
AnomalyAlert.modified_on -> AnomalyAlert.modified_time
Anomaly.created_on -> Anomaly.created_time
admin_emails has been renamed to admins in NotificationHook
admin_emails has been renamed to admins in DataFeedOptions
viewer_emails has been renamed to viewers in DataFeedOptions

1.0.0b4 (2021-06-07)
New Features

Added AzureLogAnalyticsDataFeedSource and AzureEventHubsDataFeedSource
Update method now returns the updated object
Added DatasourceCredentials and DatasourceCredential operations
Added authentication type support for data feed

Breaking Changes

Delete methods now take positional only argument as id

update_subscription_key and update_api_key are merged into one method update_key

Removed DataFeedOptions and moved all its properties to the DataFeed model




AzureApplicationInsightsDataFeed -> AzureApplicationInsightsDataFeedSource
AzureBlobDataFeed -> AzureBlobDataFeedSource
AzureCosmosDBDataFeed -> AzureCosmosDbDataFeedSource
AzureDataExplorerDataFeed -> AzureDataExplorerDataFeedSource
AzureTableDataFeed -> AzureTableDataFeedSource
InfluxDBDataFeed -> InfluxDbDataFeedSource
MySqlDataFeed -> MySqlDataFeedSource
PostgreSqlDataFeed -> PostgreSqlDataFeedSource
SQLServerDataFeed -> SqlServerDataFeedSource
MongoDBDataFeed -> MongoDbDataFeedSource
AzureDataLakeStorageGen2DataFeed -> AzureDataLakeStorageGen2DataFeedSource

Dependency Updates

Bump msrest requirement from 0.6.12 to 0.6.21

1.0.0b3 (2021-02-09)
New Features

AAD support authentication #15922
MetricsAdvisorKeyCredential support for rotating the subscription and api keys to update long-lived clients

Breaking Changes

list_dimension_values has been renamed to list_anomaly_dimension_values
update methods now return None
Updated DataFeed.metric_ids to be a dict rather than a list


Bump six requirement from 1.6 to 1.11.0`

1.0.0b2 (2020-11-10)
Breaking Changes

create_hook now takes as input an EmailHook or WebHook
Anomaly has been renamed to DataPointAnomaly
Incident has been renamed to AnomalyIncident
IncidentPropertyIncidentStatus has been renamed to AnomalyIncidentStatus
Alert has been renamed to AnomalyAlert
Severity has been renamed to AnomalySeverity
Metric has been renamed to DataFeedMetric
Dimension has been renamed to DataFeedDimension
EmailHook has been renamed to EmailNotificationHook
WebHook has been renamed to WebNotificationHook
Hook has been renamed to NotificationHook
TimeMode has been renamed to AlertQueryTimeMode
admins has been renamed to admin_emails on NotificationHook
admins has been renamed to admin_emails on DataFeedOptions
viewers has been renamed to viewer_emails on DataFeedOptions
timestamp_list has been renamed to timestamps on MetricSeriesData
value_list has been renamed to values on MetricSeriesData
SeriesResult has been renamed to MetricEnrichedSeriesData
create_anomaly_alert_configuration has been renamed to create_alert_configuration
get_anomaly_alert_configuration has been renamed to get_alert_configuration
delete_anomaly_alert_configuration has been renamed to delete_alert_configuration
update_anomaly_alert_configuration has been renamed to update_alert_configuration
list_anomaly_alert_configurations has been renamed to list_alert_configurations
create_metric_anomaly_detection_configuration has been renamed to create_detection_configuration
get_metric_anomaly_detection_configuration has been renamed to get_detection_configuration
delete_metric_anomaly_detection_configuration has been renamed to delete_detection_configuration
update_metric_anomaly_detection_configuration has been renamed to update_detection_configuration
list_metric_anomaly_detection_configurations has been renamed to list_detection_configurations
list_feedbacks has been renamed to list_feedback
list_alerts_for_alert_configuration has been renamed to list_alerts
list_anomalies_for_alert & list_anomalies_for_detection_configuration have been grouped into list_anomalies
list_dimension_values_for_detection_configuration has been renamed to list_dimension_values
list_incidents_for_alert & list_incidents_for_detection_configuration have been grouped into list_incidents

New Features

__repr__ added to all models

1.0.0b1 (2020-10-07)
First preview release


For personal and professional use. You cannot resell or redistribute these repositories in their original state.

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