Azure Healthinsights Cancerprofiling 1.0.0b1.Post1

azure-healthinsights-cancerprofiling 1.0.0b1.post1

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azurehealthinsightscancerprofiling 1.0.0b1.post1

Azure Cognitive Services Health Insights Cancer Profiling client library for Python
Health Insights is an Azure Applied AI Service built with the Azure Cognitive Services Framework, that leverages multiple Cognitive Services, Healthcare API services and other Azure resources.
The Cancer Profiling model receives clinical records of oncology patients and outputs cancer staging, such as clinical stage TNM categories and pathologic stage TNM categories as well as tumor site, histology.
Source code | Package (PyPI) | API reference documentation | Product documentation | Samples
Getting started

Python 3.7 or later is required to use this package.
You need an Azure subscription to use this package.
An existing Cognitive Services Health Insights instance.

Install the package
pip install azure-healthinsights-cancerprofiling

This table shows the relationship between SDK versions and supported API versions of the service:

SDK version
Supported API version of service


Authenticate the client
Get the endpoint
You can find the endpoint for your Health Insights service resource using the Azure Portal or Azure CLI
# Get the endpoint for the Health Insights service resource
az cognitiveservices account show --name "resource-name" --resource-group "resource-group-name" --query "properties.endpoint"

Get the API Key
You can get the API Key from the Health Insights service resource in the Azure Portal.
Alternatively, you can use Azure CLI snippet below to get the API key of your resource.
az cognitiveservices account keys list --resource-group <your-resource-group-name> --name <your-resource-name>

Create a CancerProfilingClient with an API Key Credential
Once you have the value for the API key, you can pass it as a string into an instance of AzureKeyCredential. Use the key as the credential parameter to authenticate the client:
import os
from azure.core.credentials import AzureKeyCredential
from azure.healthinsights.cancerprofiling.aio import CancerProfilingClient


cancer_profiling_client = CancerProfilingClient(endpoint=ENDPOINT, credential=AzureKeyCredential(KEY))

Long-Running Operations
Long-running operations are operations which consist of an initial request sent to the service to start an operation,
followed by polling the service at intervals to determine whether the operation has completed or failed, and if it has
succeeded, to get the result.
Methods that support healthcare analysis, custom text analysis, or multiple analyses are modeled as long-running operations.
The client exposes a begin_<method-name> method that returns a poller object. Callers should wait
for the operation to complete by calling result() on the poller object returned from the begin_<method-name> method.
Sample code snippets are provided to illustrate using long-running operations below.
Key concepts
The Cancer Profiling model allows you to infer cancer attributes such as tumor site, histology, clinical stage TNM categories and pathologic stage TNM categories from unstructured clinical documents.
The following section provides several code snippets covering some of the most common Health Insights - Cancer Profiling service tasks, including:

Cancer Profiling

Cancer Profiling
Infer key cancer attributes such as tumor site, histology, clinical stage TNM categories and pathologic stage TNM categories from a patient's unstructured clinical documents.
import asyncio
import os
import datetime
from azure.core.credentials import AzureKeyCredential
from azure.healthinsights.cancerprofiling.aio import CancerProfilingClient
from azure.healthinsights.cancerprofiling import models


# Create an Onco Phenotype client
# <client>
cancer_profiling_client = CancerProfilingClient(endpoint=ENDPOINT,
# </client>

# Construct patient
# <PatientConstructor>
patient_info = models.PatientInfo(sex=models.PatientInfoSex.FEMALE,, 10, 8))
patient1 = models.PatientRecord(id="patient_id", info=patient_info)
# </PatientConstructor>

# Add document list
# <DocumentList>
doc_content1 = """
Jane Doe 091175-8967
42 year old female, married with 3 children, works as a nurse
Healthy, no medications taken on a regular basis.
PMHx is significant for migraines with aura, uses Mirena for contraception.
Smoking history of 10 pack years (has stopped and relapsed several times).
She is in c/o 2 weeks of productive cough and shortness of breath.
She has a fever of 37.8 and general weakness.
Denies night sweats and rash. She denies symptoms of rhinosinusitis, asthma, and heartburn.
On PE:
GENERAL: mild pallor, no cyanosis. Regular breathing rate.
LUNGS: decreased breath sounds on the base of the right lung. Vesicular breathing.
No crackles, rales, and wheezes. Resonant percussion.
Will be referred for a chest x-ray.
CXR showed mild nonspecific opacities in right lung base.
Findings are suggestive of a working diagnosis of pneumonia. The patient is referred to a
follow-up CXR in 2 weeks."""

patient_document1 = models.PatientDocument(type=models.DocumentType.NOTE,
created_date_time=datetime.datetime(2021, 8, 15))

doc_content2 = """
Oncology Clinic
Jane Doe 091175-8967
42-year-old healthy female who works as a nurse in the ER of this hospital.
First menstruation at 11 years old. First delivery- 27 years old. She has 3 children.
Didn't breastfeed.
Contraception- Mirena.
Smoking- 10 pack years.
Mother- Belarusian. Father- Georgian.
About 3 months prior to admission, she stated she had SOB and was febrile.
She did a CXR as an outpatient which showed a finding in the base of the right lung-
possibly an infiltrate.
She was treated with antibiotics with partial response.
6 weeks later a repeat CXR was performed- a few solid dense findings in the right lung.
Therefore, she was referred for a PET-CT which demonstrated increased uptake in the right
breast, lymph nodes on the right a few areas in the lungs and liver.
On biopsy from the lesion in the right breast- triple negative adenocarcinoma. Genetic
testing has not been done thus far.
Genetic counseling- the patient denies a family history of breast, ovary, uterus,
and prostate cancer. Her mother has chronic lymphocytic leukemia (CLL).
She is planned to undergo genetic tests because the aggressive course of the disease,
and her young age.
Stage 4 triple negative breast adenocarcinoma.
Could benefit from biological therapy.
Different treatment options were explained- the patient wants to get a second opinion."""

patient_document2 = models.PatientDocument(type=models.DocumentType.NOTE,
created_date_time=datetime.datetime(2021, 10, 20))

doc_content3 = """
Clinical Information
Ultrasound-guided biopsy; A. 18 mm mass; most likely diagnosis based on imaging: IDC
- Invasive carcinoma of no special type (invasive ductal carcinoma), grade 1
Nottingham histologic grade: 1/3 (tubules 2; nuclear grade 2; mitotic rate 1;
total score; 5/9)
Fragments involved by invasive carcinoma: 2
Largest measurement of invasive carcinoma on a single fragment: 7 mm
Ductal carcinoma in situ (DCIS): Present
Architectural pattern: Cribriform
Nuclear grade: 2-
Necrosis: Not identified
Fragments involved by DCIS: 1
Largest measurement of DCIS on a single fragment: Span 2 mm
Microcalcifications: Present in benign breast tissue and invasive carcinoma
Blocks with invasive carcinoma: A1
Special studies: Pending"""

patient_document3 = models.PatientDocument(type=models.DocumentType.NOTE,
created_date_time=datetime.datetime(2022, 1, 1))

patient_doc_list = [patient_document1, patient_document2, patient_document3] = patient_doc_list
# <\DocumentList>

# Set configuration to include evidence for the cancer staging inferences
configuration = models.OncoPhenotypeModelConfiguration(include_evidence=True)

# Construct the request with the patient and configuration
cancer_profiling_data = models.OncoPhenotypeData(patients=[patient1], configuration=configuration)

poller = await cancer_profiling_client.begin_infer_cancer_profile(cancer_profiling_data)
cancer_profiling_result = await poller.result()
if cancer_profiling_result.status == models.JobStatus.SUCCEEDED:
results = cancer_profiling_result.results
for patient_result in results.patients:
print(f"\n==== Inferences of Patient {} ====")
for inference in patient_result.inferences:
f"\n=== Clinical Type: {str(inference.type)} Value: {inference.value}\
ConfidenceScore: {inference.confidence_score} ===")
for evidence in inference.evidence:
data_evidence = evidence.patient_data_evidence
f"Evidence {} {data_evidence.offset} {data_evidence.length}\
errors = cancer_profiling_result.errors
if errors is not None:
for error in errors:
print(f"{error.code} : {error.message}")

Health Insights Cancer Profiling client library will raise exceptions defined in Azure Core.
This library uses the standard logging library for logging.
Basic information about HTTP sessions (URLs, headers, etc.) is logged at INFO level.
Detailed DEBUG level logging, including request/response bodies and unredacted
headers, can be enabled on the client or per-operation with the logging_enable keyword argument.
See full SDK logging documentation with examples here.
Optional Configuration
Optional keyword arguments can be passed in at the client and per-operation level.
The azure-core reference documentation describes available configurations for retries, logging, transport protocols, and more.
Next steps
Additional documentation
For more extensive documentation on Azure Health Insights Cancer Profiling, see the Cancer Profiling documentation on
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For personal and professional use. You cannot resell or redistribute these repositories in their original state.

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