Azure Mgmt Frontdoor 1.2.0 | Coderz Repository

azure-mgmt-frontdoor 1.2.0

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azuremgmtfrontdoor 1.2.0

Microsoft Azure SDK for Python
This is the Microsoft Azure Front Door Service Client Library.
This package has been tested with Python 3.8+.
For a more complete view of Azure libraries, see the azure sdk python release.
Azure SDK Python packages support for Python 2.7 has ended 01 January 2022. For more information and questions, please refer to
Getting started

Python 3.8+ is required to use this package.
Azure subscription

Install the package
pip install azure-mgmt-frontdoor
pip install azure-identity

By default, Azure Active Directory token authentication depends on correct configure of following environment variables.

AZURE_CLIENT_ID for Azure client ID.
AZURE_TENANT_ID for Azure tenant ID.
AZURE_CLIENT_SECRET for Azure client secret.

In addition, Azure subscription ID can be configured via environment variable AZURE_SUBSCRIPTION_ID.
With above configuration, client can be authenticated by following code:
from azure.identity import DefaultAzureCredential
from import FrontDoorManagementClient
import os

sub_id = os.getenv("AZURE_SUBSCRIPTION_ID")
client = FrontDoorManagementClient(credential=DefaultAzureCredential(), subscription_id=sub_id)

Code samples for this package can be found at:

Search Front Door Service on
Azure Python Mgmt SDK Samples Repo

Next steps
Provide Feedback
If you encounter any bugs or have suggestions, please file an issue in the
section of the project.
Release History
1.2.0 (2024-04-15)
Features Added

Model CustomRule has a new parameter group_by
Model PolicySettings has a new parameter javascript_challenge_expiration_in_minutes
Model PolicySettings has a new parameter scrubbing_rules
Model PolicySettings has a new parameter state

1.1.0 (2023-05-19)
Features Added

Added operation PoliciesOperations.begin_update
Added operation PoliciesOperations.list_by_subscription
Model FrontDoor has a new parameter extended_properties
Model FrontDoorProperties has a new parameter extended_properties

1.1.0b1 (2022-11-22)
Features Added

Added operation PoliciesOperations.begin_update
Model FrontDoor has a new parameter extended_properties
Model FrontDoorProperties has a new parameter extended_properties

1.0.1 (2022-03-29)

Fix duplicated description in annotation

1.0.0 (2021-03-26)

GA release

1.0.0b1 (2021-02-09)
This is beta preview version.
For detailed changelog please refer to equivalent stable version 10.2.0 (
This version uses a next-generation code generator that introduces important breaking changes, but also important new features (like unified authentication and async programming).
General breaking changes

Credential system has been completly revamped:

azure.common.credentials or msrestazure.azure_active_directory instances are no longer supported, use the azure-identity classes instead:
credentials parameter has been renamed credential

The config attribute no longer exists on a client, configuration should be passed as kwarg. Example: MyClient(credential, subscription_id, enable_logging=True). For a complete set of
supported options, see the parameters accept in init documentation of azure-core

You can't import a version module anymore, use __version__ instead

Operations that used to return a msrest.polling.LROPoller now returns a azure.core.polling.LROPoller and are prefixed with begin_.

Exceptions tree have been simplified and most exceptions are now azure.core.exceptions.HttpResponseError (CloudError has been removed).

Most of the operation kwarg have changed. Some of the most noticeable:

raw has been removed. Equivalent feature can be found using cls, a callback that will give access to internal HTTP response for advanced user
For a complete set of
supported options, see the parameters accept in Request documentation of azure-core

General new features

Type annotations support using typing. SDKs are mypy ready.
This client has now stable and official support for async. Check the aio namespace of your package to find the async client.
This client now support natively tracing library like OpenCensus or OpenTelemetry. See this tracing quickstart for an overview.

0.3.0 (2019-10-11)

Fixed new network experiment SDK structure

0.2.0 (2019-10-09)

Model RoutingRule has a new parameter route_configuration
Model PolicySettings has a new parameter redirect_url
Model PolicySettings has a new parameter
Model PolicySettings has a new parameter
Model HealthProbeSettingsModel has a new parameter enabled_state
Model HealthProbeSettingsModel has a new parameter
Model HealthProbeSettingsUpdateParameters has a new parameter
Model HealthProbeSettingsUpdateParameters has a new parameter
Model FrontDoorUpdateParameters has a new parameter
Model CustomRule has a new parameter enabled_state
Model FrontDoor has a new parameter backend_pools_settings
Model RoutingRuleUpdateParameters has a new parameter
Added operation group ProfilesOperations
Added operation group ExperimentsOperations
Added operation group PreconfiguredEndpointsOperations
Added operation group ManagedRuleSetsOperations
Added operation group FrontDoorManagementClientOperationsMixin

Breaking changes

Parameter certificate_source of model CustomHttpsConfiguration is
now required
Parameter protocol_type of model CustomHttpsConfiguration is now
Model RoutingRule no longer has parameter custom_forwarding_path
Model RoutingRule no longer has parameter forwarding_protocol
Model RoutingRule no longer has parameter cache_configuration
Model RoutingRule no longer has parameter backend_pool
Model CustomRule no longer has parameter etag
Model CustomRule no longer has parameter transforms
Model CustomHttpsConfiguration has a new required parameter
Model RoutingRuleUpdateParameters no longer has parameter
Model RoutingRuleUpdateParameters no longer has parameter
Model RoutingRuleUpdateParameters no longer has parameter
Model RoutingRuleUpdateParameters no longer has parameter
Removed operation FrontendEndpointsOperations.delete
Removed operation FrontendEndpointsOperations.create_or_update
Model ManagedRuleSet has a new signature
Removed operation group LoadBalancingSettingsOperations
Removed operation group RoutingRulesOperations
Removed operation group HealthProbeSettingsOperations
Removed operation group BackendPoolsOperations

0.1.0 (2019-03-11)

Initial Release


For personal and professional use. You cannot resell or redistribute these repositories in their original state.

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