Azure Mgmt Hdinsightcontainers 1.0.0b3

azure-mgmt-hdinsightcontainers 1.0.0b3

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azuremgmthdinsightcontainers 1.0.0b3

Microsoft Azure SDK for Python
This is the Microsoft Azure Hdinsightcontainers Management Client Library.
This package has been tested with Python 3.8+.
For a more complete view of Azure libraries, see the azure sdk python release.
Azure SDK Python packages support for Python 2.7 has ended 01 January 2022. For more information and questions, please refer to
Getting started

Python 3.8+ is required to use this package.
Azure subscription

Install the package
pip install azure-mgmt-hdinsightcontainers
pip install azure-identity

By default, Azure Active Directory token authentication depends on correct configure of following environment variables.

AZURE_CLIENT_ID for Azure client ID.
AZURE_TENANT_ID for Azure tenant ID.
AZURE_CLIENT_SECRET for Azure client secret.

In addition, Azure subscription ID can be configured via environment variable AZURE_SUBSCRIPTION_ID.
With above configuration, client can be authenticated by following code:
from azure.identity import DefaultAzureCredential
from azure.mgmt.hdinsightcontainers import HDInsightContainersMgmtClient
import os

sub_id = os.getenv("AZURE_SUBSCRIPTION_ID")
client = HDInsightContainersMgmtClient(credential=DefaultAzureCredential(), subscription_id=sub_id)

Code samples for this package can be found at:

Search Hdinsightcontainers Management on
Azure Python Mgmt SDK Samples Repo

Next steps
Provide Feedback
If you encounter any bugs or have suggestions, please file an issue in the
section of the project.
Release History
1.0.0b3 (2024-08-26)
Features Added

The 'HDInsightContainersMgmtClient' client had operation group 'cluster_pool_upgrade_histories' added in the current version
The 'HDInsightContainersMgmtClient' client had operation group 'cluster_upgrade_histories' added in the current version
The 'HDInsightContainersMgmtClient' client had operation group 'cluster_libraries' added in the current version
The 'ClustersOperations' method 'begin_upgrade_manual_rollback' was added in the current version
The model or publicly exposed class 'ClusterLibrariesOperations' was added in the current version
The model or publicly exposed class 'ClusterPoolUpgradeHistoriesOperations' was added in the current version
The model or publicly exposed class 'ClusterUpgradeHistoriesOperations' was added in the current version
The model or publicly exposed class 'ClusterAvailableUpgradeType' had property 'PATCH_VERSION_UPGRADE' added in the current version
The model or publicly exposed class 'ClusterPoolComputeProfile' had property 'availability_zones' added in the current version
The model or publicly exposed class 'ClusterPoolProfile' had property 'public_ip_tag' added in the current version
The model or publicly exposed class 'ClusterPoolResourcePropertiesClusterPoolProfile' had property 'public_ip_tag' added in the current version
The model or publicly exposed class 'ClusterPoolResourcePropertiesComputeProfile' had property 'availability_zones' added in the current version
The model or publicly exposed class 'ClusterProfile' had property 'managed_identity_profile' added in the current version
The model or publicly exposed class 'ClusterUpgradeType' had property 'PATCH_VERSION_UPGRADE' added in the current version
The model or publicly exposed class 'ComputeProfile' had property 'availability_zones' added in the current version
The model or publicly exposed class 'SshProfile' had property 'vm_size' added in the current version
The model or publicly exposed class 'UpdatableClusterProfile' had property 'secrets_profile' added in the current version
The model or publicly exposed class 'UpdatableClusterProfile' had property 'trino_profile' added in the current version
The model or publicly exposed class 'Category' was added in the current version
The model or publicly exposed class 'ClusterAksPatchUpgradeHistoryProperties' was added in the current version
The model or publicly exposed class 'ClusterAvailableInPlaceUpgradeProperties' was added in the current version
The model or publicly exposed class 'ClusterAvailableUpgradePatchVersionUpgradeProperties' was added in the current version
The model or publicly exposed class 'ClusterHotfixUpgradeHistoryProperties' was added in the current version
The model or publicly exposed class 'ClusterHotfixUpgradeRollbackHistoryProperties' was added in the current version
The model or publicly exposed class 'ClusterInPlaceUpgradeHistoryProperties' was added in the current version
The model or publicly exposed class 'ClusterInPlaceUpgradeProperties' was added in the current version
The model or publicly exposed class 'ClusterLibrary' was added in the current version
The model or publicly exposed class 'ClusterLibraryList' was added in the current version
The model or publicly exposed class 'ClusterLibraryManagementOperation' was added in the current version
The model or publicly exposed class 'ClusterLibraryManagementOperationProperties' was added in the current version
The model or publicly exposed class 'ClusterLibraryProperties' was added in the current version
The model or publicly exposed class 'ClusterPatchVersionUpgradeHistoryProperties' was added in the current version
The model or publicly exposed class 'ClusterPatchVersionUpgradeProperties' was added in the current version
The model or publicly exposed class 'ClusterPatchVersionUpgradeRollbackHistoryProperties' was added in the current version
The model or publicly exposed class 'ClusterPoolAksPatchUpgradeHistoryProperties' was added in the current version
The model or publicly exposed class 'ClusterPoolNodeOsUpgradeHistoryProperties' was added in the current version
The model or publicly exposed class 'ClusterPoolUpgradeHistory' was added in the current version
The model or publicly exposed class 'ClusterPoolUpgradeHistoryListResult' was added in the current version
The model or publicly exposed class 'ClusterPoolUpgradeHistoryProperties' was added in the current version
The model or publicly exposed class 'ClusterPoolUpgradeHistoryType' was added in the current version
The model or publicly exposed class 'ClusterPoolUpgradeHistoryUpgradeResultType' was added in the current version
The model or publicly exposed class 'ClusterUpgradeHistory' was added in the current version
The model or publicly exposed class 'ClusterUpgradeHistoryListResult' was added in the current version
The model or publicly exposed class 'ClusterUpgradeHistoryProperties' was added in the current version
The model or publicly exposed class 'ClusterUpgradeHistorySeverityType' was added in the current version
The model or publicly exposed class 'ClusterUpgradeHistoryType' was added in the current version
The model or publicly exposed class 'ClusterUpgradeHistoryUpgradeResultType' was added in the current version
The model or publicly exposed class 'ClusterUpgradeRollback' was added in the current version
The model or publicly exposed class 'ClusterUpgradeRollbackProperties' was added in the current version
The model or publicly exposed class 'IpTag' was added in the current version
The model or publicly exposed class 'LibraryManagementAction' was added in the current version
The model or publicly exposed class 'ManagedIdentityProfile' was added in the current version
The model or publicly exposed class 'ManagedIdentitySpec' was added in the current version
The model or publicly exposed class 'ManagedIdentityType' was added in the current version
The model or publicly exposed class 'MavenLibraryProperties' was added in the current version
The model or publicly exposed class 'PyPiLibraryProperties' was added in the current version
The model or publicly exposed class 'Status' was added in the current version
The model or publicly exposed class 'Type' was added in the current version

Breaking Changes

The model or publicly exposed class 'ClusterAvailableUpgradeHotfixUpgradeProperties' had its instance variable 'description' deleted or renamed in the current version
The model or publicly exposed class 'ClusterAvailableUpgradeHotfixUpgradeProperties' had its instance variable 'source_oss_version' deleted or renamed in the current version
The model or publicly exposed class 'ClusterAvailableUpgradeHotfixUpgradeProperties' had its instance variable 'source_cluster_version' deleted or renamed in the current version
The model or publicly exposed class 'ClusterAvailableUpgradeHotfixUpgradeProperties' had its instance variable 'source_build_number' deleted or renamed in the current version
The model or publicly exposed class 'ClusterAvailableUpgradeHotfixUpgradeProperties' had its instance variable 'target_oss_version' deleted or renamed in the current version
The model or publicly exposed class 'ClusterAvailableUpgradeHotfixUpgradeProperties' had its instance variable 'target_cluster_version' deleted or renamed in the current version
The model or publicly exposed class 'ClusterAvailableUpgradeHotfixUpgradeProperties' had its instance variable 'target_build_number' deleted or renamed in the current version
The model or publicly exposed class 'ClusterAvailableUpgradeHotfixUpgradeProperties' had its instance variable 'component_name' deleted or renamed in the current version
The model or publicly exposed class 'ClusterAvailableUpgradeHotfixUpgradeProperties' had its instance variable 'severity' deleted or renamed in the current version
The model or publicly exposed class 'ClusterAvailableUpgradeHotfixUpgradeProperties' had its instance variable 'extended_properties' deleted or renamed in the current version
The model or publicly exposed class 'ClusterAvailableUpgradeHotfixUpgradeProperties' had its instance variable 'created_time' deleted or renamed in the current version
The model or publicly exposed class 'ClusterHotfixUpgradeProperties' had its instance variable 'target_oss_version' deleted or renamed in the current version
The model or publicly exposed class 'ClusterHotfixUpgradeProperties' had its instance variable 'target_cluster_version' deleted or renamed in the current version
The model or publicly exposed class 'ClusterHotfixUpgradeProperties' had its instance variable 'target_build_number' deleted or renamed in the current version
The model or publicly exposed class 'ClusterHotfixUpgradeProperties' had its instance variable 'component_name' deleted or renamed in the current version
The model or publicly exposed class 'KafkaProfile' had its instance variable 'cluster_identity' deleted or renamed in the current version

1.0.0b2 (2024-04-07)
Features Added

Added operation ClusterPoolsOperations.begin_upgrade
Added operation ClustersOperations.begin_upgrade
Added operation group ClusterAvailableUpgradesOperations
Added operation group ClusterPoolAvailableUpgradesOperations
Model Cluster has a new parameter properties
Model ClusterPatch has a new parameter properties
Model ClusterPool has a new parameter properties
Model ClusterPoolNetworkProfile has a new parameter api_server_authorized_ip_ranges
Model ClusterPoolNetworkProfile has a new parameter enable_private_api_server
Model ClusterPoolNetworkProfile has a new parameter outbound_type
Model ClusterPoolResourcePropertiesNetworkProfile has a new parameter api_server_authorized_ip_ranges
Model ClusterPoolResourcePropertiesNetworkProfile has a new parameter enable_private_api_server
Model ClusterPoolResourcePropertiesNetworkProfile has a new parameter outbound_type
Model ClusterPoolVersion has a new parameter properties
Model ClusterProfile has a new parameter cluster_access_profile
Model ClusterProfile has a new parameter ranger_plugin_profile
Model ClusterProfile has a new parameter ranger_profile
Model ClusterResizeData has a new parameter properties
Model ClusterVersion has a new parameter properties
Model ConnectivityProfileWeb has a new parameter private_fqdn
Model FlinkHiveCatalogOption has a new parameter metastore_db_connection_authentication_mode
Model FlinkJobProperties has a new parameter run_id
Model FlinkProfile has a new parameter deployment_mode
Model FlinkProfile has a new parameter job_spec
Model HiveCatalogOption has a new parameter metastore_db_connection_authentication_mode
Model ServiceConfigResult has a new parameter properties
Model SparkMetastoreSpec has a new parameter db_connection_authentication_mode
Model SshConnectivityEndpoint has a new parameter private_ssh_endpoint
Model TrinoCoordinator has a new parameter debug
Model TrinoWorker has a new parameter debug
Model UpdatableClusterProfile has a new parameter ranger_plugin_profile
Model UpdatableClusterProfile has a new parameter ranger_profile
Model WebConnectivityEndpoint has a new parameter private_fqdn
Operation ClusterJobsOperations.list has a new optional parameter filter

Breaking Changes

Model Cluster no longer has parameter cluster_profile
Model Cluster no longer has parameter cluster_type
Model Cluster no longer has parameter compute_profile
Model Cluster no longer has parameter deployment_id
Model Cluster no longer has parameter provisioning_state
Model Cluster no longer has parameter status
Model ClusterInstanceViewResult has a new required parameter properties
Model ClusterInstanceViewResult no longer has parameter service_statuses
Model ClusterInstanceViewResult no longer has parameter status
Model ClusterPatch no longer has parameter cluster_profile
Model ClusterPatch no longer has parameter id
Model ClusterPatch no longer has parameter location
Model ClusterPatch no longer has parameter name
Model ClusterPatch no longer has parameter system_data
Model ClusterPatch no longer has parameter type
Model ClusterPool no longer has parameter aks_cluster_profile
Model ClusterPool no longer has parameter aks_managed_resource_group_name
Model ClusterPool no longer has parameter cluster_pool_profile
Model ClusterPool no longer has parameter compute_profile
Model ClusterPool no longer has parameter deployment_id
Model ClusterPool no longer has parameter log_analytics_profile
Model ClusterPool no longer has parameter managed_resource_group_name
Model ClusterPool no longer has parameter network_profile
Model ClusterPool no longer has parameter provisioning_state
Model ClusterPool no longer has parameter status
Model ClusterPoolVersion no longer has parameter aks_version
Model ClusterPoolVersion no longer has parameter cluster_pool_version
Model ClusterPoolVersion no longer has parameter is_preview
Model ClusterResizeData no longer has parameter target_worker_node_count
Model ClusterVersion no longer has parameter cluster_pool_version
Model ClusterVersion no longer has parameter cluster_type
Model ClusterVersion no longer has parameter cluster_version
Model ClusterVersion no longer has parameter components
Model ClusterVersion no longer has parameter is_preview
Model ClusterVersion no longer has parameter oss_version
Model ServiceConfigResult no longer has parameter component_name
Model ServiceConfigResult no longer has parameter content
Model ServiceConfigResult no longer has parameter custom_keys
Model ServiceConfigResult no longer has parameter default_keys
Model ServiceConfigResult no longer has parameter file_name
Model ServiceConfigResult no longer has parameter path
Model ServiceConfigResult no longer has parameter service_name
Model ServiceConfigResult no longer has parameter type
Model TrinoCoordinator no longer has parameter enable
Model TrinoCoordinator no longer has parameter port
Model TrinoCoordinator no longer has parameter suspend
Model TrinoWorker no longer has parameter enable
Model TrinoWorker no longer has parameter port
Model TrinoWorker no longer has parameter suspend

1.0.0b1 (2023-08-18)

Initial Release


For personal and professional use. You cannot resell or redistribute these repositories in their original state.

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