Azure Mgmt Servicefabricmanagedclusters 2.0.0

azure-mgmt-servicefabricmanagedclusters 2.0.0

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azuremgmtservicefabricmanagedclusters 2.0.0

Microsoft Azure SDK for Python
This is the Microsoft Azure Service Fabric Managed Clusters Management Client Library.
This package has been tested with Python 3.8+.
For a more complete view of Azure libraries, see the azure sdk python release.
Azure SDK Python packages support for Python 2.7 has ended 01 January 2022. For more information and questions, please refer to
Getting started

Python 3.8+ is required to use this package.
Azure subscription

Install the package
pip install azure-mgmt-servicefabricmanagedclusters
pip install azure-identity

By default, Azure Active Directory token authentication depends on correct configure of following environment variables.

AZURE_CLIENT_ID for Azure client ID.
AZURE_TENANT_ID for Azure tenant ID.
AZURE_CLIENT_SECRET for Azure client secret.

In addition, Azure subscription ID can be configured via environment variable AZURE_SUBSCRIPTION_ID.
With above configuration, client can be authenticated by following code:
from azure.identity import DefaultAzureCredential
from azure.mgmt.servicefabricmanagedclusters import ServiceFabricManagedClustersManagementClient
import os

sub_id = os.getenv("AZURE_SUBSCRIPTION_ID")
client = ServiceFabricManagedClustersManagementClient(credential=DefaultAzureCredential(), subscription_id=sub_id)

Code samples for this package can be found at:

Search Service Fabric Managed Clusters Management on
Azure Python Mgmt SDK Samples Repo

Next steps
Provide Feedback
If you encounter any bugs or have suggestions, please file an issue in the
section of the project.
Release History
2.0.0 (2024-07-22)
Features Added

Added operation ApplicationsOperations.begin_read_upgrade
Added operation ApplicationsOperations.begin_resume_upgrade
Added operation ApplicationsOperations.begin_start_rollback
Added operation group ManagedApplyMaintenanceWindowOperations
Added operation group ManagedAzResiliencyStatusOperations
Added operation group ManagedMaintenanceWindowStatusOperations
Added operation group ManagedUnsupportedVMSizesOperations
Added operation group NodeTypeSkusOperations
Added operation group OperationResultsOperations
Added operation group OperationStatusOperations
Model LoadBalancingRule has a new parameter load_distribution
Model ManagedCluster has a new parameter auxiliary_subnets
Model ManagedCluster has a new parameter ddos_protection_plan_id
Model ManagedCluster has a new parameter enable_http_gateway_exclusive_auth_mode
Model ManagedCluster has a new parameter enable_ipv6
Model ManagedCluster has a new parameter enable_service_public_ip
Model ManagedCluster has a new parameter http_gateway_token_auth_connection_port
Model ManagedCluster has a new parameter ip_tags
Model ManagedCluster has a new parameter ipv6_address
Model ManagedCluster has a new parameter public_i_pv6_prefix_id
Model ManagedCluster has a new parameter public_ip_prefix_id
Model ManagedCluster has a new parameter service_endpoints
Model ManagedCluster has a new parameter subnet_id
Model ManagedCluster has a new parameter upgrade_description
Model ManagedCluster has a new parameter use_custom_vnet
Model ManagedCluster has a new parameter zonal_update_mode
Model NetworkSecurityRule has a new parameter destination_address_prefix
Model NetworkSecurityRule has a new parameter destination_port_range
Model NetworkSecurityRule has a new parameter source_address_prefix
Model NetworkSecurityRule has a new parameter source_port_range
Model NodeType has a new parameter additional_data_disks
Model NodeType has a new parameter additional_network_interface_configurations
Model NodeType has a new parameter computer_name_prefix
Model NodeType has a new parameter data_disk_letter
Model NodeType has a new parameter dscp_configuration_id
Model NodeType has a new parameter enable_accelerated_networking
Model NodeType has a new parameter enable_encryption_at_host
Model NodeType has a new parameter enable_node_public_i_pv6
Model NodeType has a new parameter enable_node_public_ip
Model NodeType has a new parameter enable_over_provisioning
Model NodeType has a new parameter eviction_policy
Model NodeType has a new parameter frontend_configurations
Model NodeType has a new parameter host_group_id
Model NodeType has a new parameter is_spot_vm
Model NodeType has a new parameter nat_configurations
Model NodeType has a new parameter nat_gateway_id
Model NodeType has a new parameter network_security_rules
Model NodeType has a new parameter secure_boot_enabled
Model NodeType has a new parameter security_type
Model NodeType has a new parameter service_artifact_reference_id
Model NodeType has a new parameter sku
Model NodeType has a new parameter spot_restore_timeout
Model NodeType has a new parameter subnet_id
Model NodeType has a new parameter use_default_public_load_balancer
Model NodeType has a new parameter use_ephemeral_os_disk
Model NodeType has a new parameter use_temp_data_disk
Model NodeType has a new parameter vm_image_plan
Model NodeType has a new parameter vm_image_resource_id
Model NodeType has a new parameter vm_setup_actions
Model NodeType has a new parameter vm_shared_gallery_image_id
Model NodeType has a new parameter zones
Model NodeTypeActionParameters has a new parameter update_type
Model NodeTypeUpdateParameters has a new parameter sku
Model ServiceResourceProperties has a new parameter service_dns_name
Model StatefulServiceProperties has a new parameter service_dns_name
Model StatelessServiceProperties has a new parameter service_dns_name
Model VMSSExtension has a new parameter enable_automatic_upgrade
Model VMSSExtension has a new parameter setup_order

Breaking Changes

Operation ManagedClusterVersionOperations.get_by_environment has a new required parameter environment
Operation ManagedClusterVersionOperations.list_by_environment has a new required parameter environment
Parameter sku of model ManagedCluster is now required

2.0.0b6 (2024-02-22)
Features Added

Model ManagedCluster has a new parameter enable_http_gateway_exclusive_auth_mode
Model ManagedCluster has a new parameter http_gateway_token_auth_connection_port

2.0.0b5 (2024-01-18)
Features Added

Added operation ApplicationsOperations.begin_read_upgrade
Added operation ApplicationsOperations.begin_resume_upgrade
Added operation ApplicationsOperations.begin_start_rollback
Added operation group ManagedApplyMaintenanceWindowOperations
Added operation group ManagedMaintenanceWindowStatusOperations
Model ManagedCluster has a new parameter ddos_protection_plan_id
Model ManagedCluster has a new parameter public_i_pv6_prefix_id
Model ManagedCluster has a new parameter public_ip_prefix_id
Model ManagedCluster has a new parameter upgrade_description
Model NodeType has a new parameter additional_network_interface_configurations
Model NodeType has a new parameter dscp_configuration_id
Model NodeType has a new parameter enable_node_public_i_pv6
Model NodeType has a new parameter nat_gateway_id
Model NodeType has a new parameter service_artifact_reference_id
Model NodeType has a new parameter vm_image_plan
Model VMSSExtension has a new parameter setup_order

2.0.0b4 (2023-05-20)
Features Added

Model ManagedCluster has a new parameter use_custom_vnet
Model ManagedCluster has a new parameter zonal_update_mode
Model NodeType has a new parameter enable_node_public_ip
Model NodeType has a new parameter secure_boot_enabled
Model NodeType has a new parameter security_type
Model NodeType has a new parameter subnet_id
Model NodeType has a new parameter vm_setup_actions
Model NodeType has a new parameter vm_shared_gallery_image_id
Model NodeTypeActionParameters has a new parameter update_type
Model ServiceResourceProperties has a new parameter service_dns_name
Model StatefulServiceProperties has a new parameter service_dns_name
Model StatelessServiceProperties has a new parameter service_dns_name

Breaking Changes

Parameter sku of model ManagedCluster is now required

2.0.0b3 (2022-12-27)
Other Changes

Added generated samples in github repo
Drop support for python<3.7.0

2.0.0b2 (2022-09-14)
Features Added

Model FrontendConfiguration has a new parameter application_gateway_backend_address_pool_id
Model NodeType has a new parameter eviction_policy
Model NodeType has a new parameter host_group_id
Model NodeType has a new parameter spot_restore_timeout
Model NodeType has a new parameter use_ephemeral_os_disk
Model NodeType has a new parameter vm_image_resource_id

2.0.0b1 (2022-06-02)

Added operation group ManagedAzResiliencyStatusOperations
Added operation group ManagedUnsupportedVMSizesOperations
Added operation group NodeTypeSkusOperations
Added operation group OperationResultsOperations
Added operation group OperationStatusOperations
Model LoadBalancingRule has a new parameter load_distribution
Model ManagedCluster has a new parameter auxiliary_subnets
Model ManagedCluster has a new parameter enable_ipv6
Model ManagedCluster has a new parameter enable_service_public_ip
Model ManagedCluster has a new parameter ip_tags
Model ManagedCluster has a new parameter ipv6_address
Model ManagedCluster has a new parameter service_endpoints
Model ManagedCluster has a new parameter subnet_id
Model NetworkSecurityRule has a new parameter destination_address_prefix
Model NetworkSecurityRule has a new parameter destination_port_range
Model NetworkSecurityRule has a new parameter source_address_prefix
Model NetworkSecurityRule has a new parameter source_port_range
Model NodeType has a new parameter additional_data_disks
Model NodeType has a new parameter data_disk_letter
Model NodeType has a new parameter enable_accelerated_networking
Model NodeType has a new parameter enable_encryption_at_host
Model NodeType has a new parameter enable_over_provisioning
Model NodeType has a new parameter frontend_configurations
Model NodeType has a new parameter is_spot_vm
Model NodeType has a new parameter network_security_rules
Model NodeType has a new parameter sku
Model NodeType has a new parameter use_default_public_load_balancer
Model NodeType has a new parameter use_temp_data_disk
Model NodeType has a new parameter zones
Model NodeTypeUpdateParameters has a new parameter sku
Model VMSSExtension has a new parameter enable_automatic_upgrade

Breaking changes

Operation ManagedClusterVersionOperations.get_by_environment has a new parameter environment
Operation ManagedClusterVersionOperations.list_by_environment has a new parameter environment

1.0.0 (2021-04-27)

Model ManagedCluster has a new parameter zonal_resiliency
Model ManagedCluster has a new parameter cluster_upgrade_mode
Model NodeType has a new parameter data_disk_type
Model NodeType has a new parameter multiple_placement_groups
Model NodeType has a new parameter is_stateless
Model LoadBalancingRule has a new parameter probe_port
Added operation group ManagedClusterVersionOperations

Breaking changes

Model StatelessServiceProperties no longer has parameter service_dns_name
Model StatelessServiceProperties no longer has parameter instance_close_delay_duration
Model ServiceResourceProperties no longer has parameter service_dns_name
Model AverageServiceLoadScalingTrigger has a new required parameter use_only_primary_load
Model StatefulServiceProperties no longer has parameter service_dns_name
Model StatefulServiceProperties no longer has parameter drop_source_replica_on_move

1.0.0b1 (2021-02-26)

Initial Release


For personal and professional use. You cannot resell or redistribute these repositories in their original state.

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