Banele Package 0.0.1 | Coderz Repository

BanelePackage 0.0.1

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BanelePackage 0.0.1

This is my first straightforward package for performing mathematics computations like summing digits etc, and also concatinating strings
To instal this package just run the following command:
pip install BanelePackage

from BanelePackage import numbers, strings

# output

print("The sum of the two numbers is: ", numbers.add(4, 2))

print("The product of the two numbers is: ", numbers.mult(4, 2))

print("The difference of the two numbers is: ", numbers.sub(2, 4))

print("The quotient of the two numbers is: ", numbers.div(2, 4))

print("The two strings combined yields: ",

strings.concatenate("BaneleOf", "@stro"))

print("The string in reverse: ", strings.reverseString("Banele"))


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