Betamax | Coderz Repository


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Betamax #

Record your test suite's HTTP interactions and replay them during future test
runs for fast, deterministic, accurate tests.
✨Featuring: #

Recording and playback of arbitrary HTTP interactions sequences
Naming of fixtures based on the names of your tests, and their groups
Automatic test failure (in playback mode) when expected requests do not arrive
Support for the entire set of http's request types — basic, streamed, and
HTTP proxy support while in record mode, via
Easy set up!

Inspired by Ruby's VCR gem.
Getting started #
Latest Release #
betamax: ^1.0.0
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Example #
import 'dart:io';

import 'package:betamax/betamax.dart';
import 'package:http/http.dart' as http;
import 'package:test/test.dart';

void main() async {
setUpAll(() {
// We use an environment variable to determine whether we should be
// recording or playing back HTTP interactions.
final recordFixtures =
Platform.environment['RECORD_HTTP_FIXTURES'] == 'true';

// The name of the test suite (I generally name this according to file)
suiteName: 'echo',
// Whether to record HTTP traffic passing through Betamax clients, or
// to playback existing fixtures
mode: recordFixtures ? Mode.recording : Mode.playback,
// Path relative to `/test` where your fixtures should be stored
relativeCassettePath: 'http_fixtures',

late http.Client httpClient;
setUp(() {
// Sets up a new client according to the options provided to
// `configureSuite`.
httpClient = Betamax.clientForTest();

// Writes/reads a cassette (http fixture) to
// `/test/http_fixtures/echo/response_is_ok.json`
test('response is OK', () async {
final response =
await httpClient.get(Uri.parse(''));
expect(response.statusCode, 200);
copied to clipboard


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