Billingyard 1.1.0 | Coderz Product

billingyard 1.1.0

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billingyard 1.1.0

Billing Yard
Billing Yard is an open source CLI tool written in Python 3 for generating invoices from JSON
for business entities in the Czech republic. It supports invoices for both VAT payers and non VAT payers.
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First, please note that the software has WeasyPrint as a dependency and WeasyPrint needs some
external third party libraries for correct functioning. The way to install these libraries will differ based on your
operating system. So first you need to install these dependencies according to the manual below, then you can install
Billing Yard itself.
The installation manual below expects you to know and understand how to work with pip
and Virtual Environment.
Below, you can find how to install external third party libraries on different Linux distributions.
Debian 11 Bullseye or newer
apt install python3-pip libpango-1.0-0 libpangoft2-1.0-0 libjpeg-dev libopenjp2-7-dev libffi-dev

Ubuntu 20.04 Focal Fossa or newer
apt install python3-pip libpango-1.0-0 libharfbuzz0b libpangoft2-1.0-0 libffi-dev libjpeg-dev libopenjp2-7-dev

Fedora 34 or newer
dnf install python3-pip pango gcc python3-devel gcc-c++ zlib-devel libjpeg-devel openjpeg2-devel libffi-devel

pacman -S python-pip pango gcc libjpeg-turbo openjpeg2

Alpine Linux 3.14 or newer
apk add py3-pip gcc musl-dev python3-dev pango zlib-dev jpeg-dev openjpeg-dev g++ libffi-dev

Installation on macOS is recommended via Homebrew.
brew install python3 pango libffi

Windows and further support
For installation on Windows or further support, please see the
official WeasyPrint installation guide. But
please keep in mind that WeasyPrint must be installed as a dependency of Billing Yard and not directly using your OS
package manager.
Installing Billing Yard
First you need to decide whether you want to use Virtual Environment or install Billing Yard globally. But note that
installing in Virtual Environment is always preferred way. Then just make sure you are using Python 3.9 or newer and
run following command, and you are done.
pip install billingyard

Basic usage
First step is to create configuration and data source files for generating an invoice. All configuration and data
sources for an invoice are stored in JSON files. There are three schemas of JSON files, one for business entity (sender,
receiver), one for an invoice without VAT and one for an invoice with VAT. Then you can generate the invoice itself.
Business entity
We create two business entities, sender (entity which issues the invoice) and receiver (entity which pays the invoice).
"company": "Company s.r.o.",
"street": "Ulice 38",
"city": "Praha",
"zip_code": "100 00",
"country": "Česká republika",
"company_id": "00011000",
"vat_id": "CZ00011000"

company - the business name of the business entity
street - the street in the address of the business entity
city - the city in the address of the business entity
zip_code - the zip code in the address of the business entity
country - the country in the address of the business entity
company - the identifier given by Czech authority of the business entity
vat_id - the identifier for VAT purpose of the business entity

optional if business entity is not a VAT payer

Invoice for a non VAT payer
Below you can find the self explaining example of a non VAT payer invoice with further description.
"invoice_number": "2021001",
"issue_date": "01. 01. 2021",
"due_date": "31. 01. 2021",
"currency": "Kč",
"bank": "Bank a.s.",
"bank_account": "1234567890/1234",
"payment_method": "bank transfer",
"register_info": "Fyzická osoba zapsaná v živnostenském rejstříku.",
"invoice_lines": [
"description": "software development",
"unit": "hr",
"quantity": 20,
"unit_price": 1500

invoice_number - a unique identifier of the invoice

completely up to you, but keep in mind local policies from government

issue_date - the date of issue of the invoice

optional, if not set current date is used

due_date - the last day, when the invoice must be paid
currency - the currency in which is the invoice issued
bank - the bank of the sender business entity
bank_account - the bank account number of the sender business entity
payment_method - the agreed instrument to pay the invoice

e.g. bank transfer, cash, credit card
this text is directly rendered in the invoice

register_info - the info about record in government registers of the sender business entity

the typical examples in Czech are "Fyzická osoba zapsaná v živnostenském rejstříku." or "Společnost je zapsána v
obchodním rejstříku vedeném u Městského soudu v Praze, oddílu C, vložce 2396."

invoice_lines - the list of items that are invoiced

Each invoice line consists of following properties.

description - the name or more exhaustive description of the invoiced item
unit - the unit which we can use to count the invoiced item

e.g. hour, piece, meter, square meter etc

quantity - the amount of invoiced items in previously specified unit
unit_price - the price of the invoiced item for one unit

All dates have DD. MM. YYYY format.
Invoice for a VAT payer
Below you can find the self explaining example of a VAT payer invoice with further description.
"invoice_number": "2021001",
"issue_date": "01. 01. 2021",
"supply_date": "01. 01. 2021",
"due_date": "31. 01. 2021",
"currency": "Kč",
"bank": "Bank a.s.",
"bank_account": "1234567890/1234",
"payment_method": "bank transfer",
"register_info": "Fyzická osoba zapsaná v živnostenském rejstříku.",
"invoice_lines": [
"description": "software development",
"unit": "hr",
"quantity": 20,
"unit_price": 1500,
"vat_rate": 0.21

invoice_number - a unique identifier of the invoice

completely up to you, but keep in mind local policies from government

issue_date - the date of issue of the invoice

optional, if not set current date is used

supply_date - the date of taxable supply

optional, if not set current date is used

due_date - the last day, when the invoice must be paid
currency - the currency in which is the invoice issued
bank - the bank of the sender business entity
bank_account - the bank account number of the sender business entity
payment_method - the agreed instrument to pay the invoice

e.g. bank transfer, cash, credit card
this text is directly rendered in the invoice

register_info - the info about record in government registers of the sender business entity

the typical examples in Czech are "Fyzická osoba zapsaná v živnostenském rejstříku." or "Společnost je zapsána v
obchodním rejstříku vedeném u Městského soudu v Praze, oddílu C, vložce 2396."

invoice_lines - the list of items that are invoiced

Each invoice line consists of following properties.

description - the name or more exhaustive description of the invoiced item
unit - the unit which we can use to count the invoiced item

e.g. hour, piece, meter, square meter etc

quantity - the amount of invoiced items in previously specified unit
unit_price - the price of the invoiced item for one unit without VAT
vat_rate - the rate of VAT for this invoiced item

All dates have DD. MM. YYYY format.
Generating an invoice
If you installed Billing Yard using Virtual Environment, just activate this environment and run one of the following
commands, depending on whether you are a VAT payer or not. If you installed Billing Yard globally, just run one of the
billingyard -s sender.json issue-invoice -i invoice.json -r receiver.json

The option -s expects path to JSON data file with information about a sender business entity. It can be omitted, if
its name is sender.json and it is located in the same directory from which is the command executed.
The option -i expects path to JSON data file with the invoice data.
The option -r expects path to JSON data file with information about a sender business entity.
billingyard -s sender.json issue-invoice -i invoice_vat.json -r receiver.json --vat

The option --vat is used to generate an invoice for a VAT payer sender business entity. Please do not forget, that in
this case, you have to also provide correct invoice JSON data file with all needed attributes.
This software is released under MIT License and use other third party software.



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