Bnet Toolbox 0.0.2 | Coderz Repository

bnet-toolbox 0.0.2

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bnettoolbox 0.0.2

A collection of command-line tools written in Python that allow you to interact with the client and Agent
pip install bnet-toolbox

To install the current WoW beta client:
bnet install wow_beta

Current Commands:

install <agent_uid>: Installs a product
uninstall <agent_uid>: Uninstalls a product
update <agent_uid>: Updates a product
products: Lists the currently installed products
sessions: Lists active game sessions

The product IDs that Agent uses (agent_uids) are not the same as those that TACT uses. Most of the IDs will end up being the same, but some won't match.
You can find a list of products and their Agent UIDs on the TACT wiki page.


For personal and professional use. You cannot resell or redistribute these repositories in their original state.

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