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0 purchases
bnipython 0.8.8
BNI API SDK - Python
This is the Official Python API client / library for BNI API.
Please visit Digital Services for more information about our product and visit our documentation page at API Documentation for more technical details.
1. Installation
1.1 Using PyPI
pip install bnipython
1.2 Manual Installation
If you are not using PyPI, you can clone or download this repository.
Then import from bnipython folder. Or run Pip install from the repo folder.
pip install .
1.3 Using PyPI Install Third Party
pip install requests
pip install pyOpenSSL
pip install pytz
2. Usage
2.1 Choose an API Product
We have 2 API products you can use:
One Gate Payment - A solution for a company to integrate its application / system with banking transaction services. documentation
Snap BI - Integrate with SNAP BI documentation
2.2 Client Initialization and Configuration
Get your client key and server key from Menu - Applications
Create API client object
from bnipython import BNIClient
# Create Core API instance
client = BNIClient({
'env': False,
'clientId': '{your-client-id}',
'clientSecret': '{your-client-secret}',
'apiKey': '{your-api-key}',
'apiSecret': '{your-api-secret}',
'appName': '{your-app-name}'
2.2.A One Gate Payment
Create One Gate Payment class object
from bnipython import BNIClient, OneGatePayment
# Create Client instance
client = BNIClient({
'env': False,
'clientId': '{your-client-id}',
'clientSecret': '{your-client-secret}',
'apiKey': '{your-api-key}',
'apiSecret': '{your-api-secret}',
'appName': '{your-app-name}'
ogp = OneGatePayment(client)
Available methods for One Gate Payment class
Get Balance
# return as Object
res = ogp.getBalance({
'accountNo': '113183203'
Get In House Inquiry
# return as Object
getInHouseInquiry = ogp.getInHouseInquiry({
'accountNo': '113183203'
Do Payment
# return as Object
doPayment = ogp.doPayment({
'customerReferenceNumber': '20170227000000000020', # max 20 char client defined reference number
'paymentMethod': '0', # 0: In-house (intra BNI), 1: RTGS transfer, 2: Kliring transfer
'debitAccountNo': '113183203',
'creditAccountNo': '115471119',
'valueDate': '20170227000000000',
'valueCurrency': 'IDR',
'valueAmount': '100500',
'remark': '', # optional
'beneficiaryEmailAddress': '', # optional
'beneficiaryName': 'Mr. X', # optional max 50 char (mandatory if paymentMethod 1 / 2)
'beneficiaryAddress1': 'Jakarta', # optional max 50 char (mandatory if paymentMethod 1 / 2)
'beneficiaryAddress2': '', # optional max 50 char
'destinationBankCode': '', # optional (mandatory if paymentMethod 1 / 2)
'chargingModelId': 'OUR' # OUR: fee will be paid by sender (default), BEN: fee will be paid by beneficary, SHA: fee divided
Get Payment Status
# return as Object
getPaymentStatus = ogp.getPaymentStatus({
'customerReferenceNumber': '20170227000000000020' # max 20 char client defined reference number
Get Inter Bank Inquiry
# return as Object
getInterBankInquiry = ogp.getInterBankInquiry({
'customerReferenceNumber': '20180930112233003', # max 20 char client defined reference number
'accountNum': '0115476117',
'destinationBankCode': '014',
'destinationAccountNum': '01400000'
Get Inter Bank Payment
# return as Object
getInterBankPayment = ogp.getInterBankPayment({
'customerReferenceNumber': '20170227000000000021', # max 20 char client defined reference number
'amount': '100500',
'destinationAccountNum': '3333333333',
'destinationBankCode': '014',
'destinationBankName': 'BCA',
'accountNum': '115471119',
'retrievalReffNum': '100000000024' # refference number for Interbank Transaction
2.2.B Snap BI
Create Snap BI class object
from bnipython import BNIClient, SnapBI
# Create Client instance
client = BNIClient({
'env': False,
'clientId': '{your-client-id}',
'clientSecret': '{your-client-secret}',
'apiKey': '{your-api-key}',
'apiSecret': '{your-api-secret}',
'appName': '{your-app-name}'
snap = SnapBI(client, {
'privateKeyPath': '{your-rsa-private-key-path}',
'channelId': '{your-channel-id}',
'ipAddress': '{your-ip-address}', # optional
'longitude': '{your-longitude}', # optional
'latitude': '{your-latitude}' # optional
Available methods for Snap BI class
Balance Inquiry
# return as Object
balanceInquiry = snap.balanceInquiry({
'partnerReferenceNo': '202010290000000000002', # optional
'accountNo': '0115476117'
Internal Account Inquiry
# return as Object
internalAccountInquiry = snap.internalAccountInquiry({
'partnerReferenceNo': '2023062601000000000509', # optional
'beneficiaryAccountNo': '317125693'
Transaction Status Inquiry
# return as Object
transactionStatusInquiry = snap.transactionStatusInquiry({
'originalPartnerReferenceNo': '202310271020300006', # optional
'originalReferenceNo': '20211220141520', # transaction reference number
'originalExternalId': '20211220141520', # optional
'serviceCode': '22', # SNAP BI service code
'transactionDate': '',
'amount': {
'value': '110000010',
'currency': 'IDR'
'additionalInfo': {
'deviceId': '09864ADCASA', # optional
'channel': 'API' # optional
Transfer Intra Bank
# return as Object
transferIntraBank = snap.transferIntraBank({
'partnerReferenceNo': '20220426170737356898', # transaction reference number
'amount': {
'value': '55000.00',
'currency': 'IDR'
'beneficiaryAccountNo': '0115476151',
'beneficiaryEmail': '', # optional
'currency': 'IDR', # optional
'customerReference': '20220426170737356898', # optional
'feeType': 'OUR', # OUR: fee will be paid by sender (default), BEN: fee will be paid by beneficary, SHA: fee divided
'remark': '20220426170737356898', # optional
'sourceAccountNo': '0115476117',
'transactionDate': '2022-04-26T17:07:36+07:00',
'additionalInfo': {
'deviceId': '09864ADCASA', # optional
'channel': 'API' # optional
Transfer RTGS
# return as Object
'transferRTGS' = snap.transferRTGS({
'partnerReferenceNo': '20220513095840015788857', # transaction reference number
'amount': {
'value': '100000001.00',
'currency': 'IDR'
'beneficiaryAccountName': 'PTZomatoMediaIndonesia',
'beneficiaryAccountNo': '"3333333333',
'beneficiaryAddress': 'JlGatotSubrotoNoKav18RW1KuninganBarKecMampangPrptKotaJakartaSelatanDaerahKhususIbukotaJakarta12710', # optional
'beneficiaryBankCode': 'CENAIDJA',
'beneficiaryBankName': 'PTBANKCENTRALASIATbk', # optional
'beneficiaryCustomerResidence': '1',
'beneficiaryCustomerType': '2',
'beneficiaryEmail': '', # optional
'currency': 'IDR', # optional
'customerReference': '20220513095840015788857',
'feeType': 'OUR', # OUR: fee will be paid by sender (default), BEN: fee will be paid by beneficary, SHA: fee divided
'kodepos': '-', # optional
'recieverPhone': '-', # optional
'remark': '20220513095840015788857', # optional
'senderCustomerResidence': '-', # optional
'senderCustomerType': '-', # optional
'senderPhone': '08123456789', # optional
'sourceAccountNo': '0115476151',
'transactionDate': '2020-06-17T01:03:04+07:00',
'additionalInfo': {
'deviceId': '09864ADCASA', # optional
'channel': 'API' # optional
Transfer SKNBI
# return as Object
transferSKNBI = snap.transferSKNBI({
'partnerReferenceNo': '20220523150428586179325', # transaction reference number
'amount': {
'value': '10000001.00',
'currency': 'IDR'
'beneficiaryAccountName': 'PTZomatoMediaIndonesia',
'beneficiaryAccountNo': '3333333333',
'beneficiaryAddress': 'JlGatotSubrotoNoKav18RW1KuninganBarKecMampangPrptKotaJakartaSelatanDaerahKhususIbukotaJakarta12710', # optional
'beneficiaryBankCode': 'CENAIDJAXXX',
'beneficiaryBankName': 'PTBANKCENTRALASIATbk', # optional
'beneficiaryCustomerResidence': '1',
'beneficiaryCustomerType': '2',
'beneficiaryEmail': '', # optional
'currency': 'IDR', # optional
'customerReference': '20220523150428586179325',
'feeType': 'OUR', # OUR: fee will be paid by sender (default), BEN: fee will be paid by beneficary, SHA: fee divided
'kodepos': '12550', # optional
'recieverPhone': '08123456789', # optional
'remark': 'DANA20220523150428586179325PTZomatoMediaIndonesia', # optional
'senderCustomerResidence': '', # optional
'senderCustomerType': '', # optional
'senderPhone': '', # optional
'sourceAccountNo': '0115476151',
'transactionDate': '2020-06-17T01:03:04+07:00',
'additionalInfo': {
'deviceId': '09864ADCASA', # optional
'channel': 'API' # optional
External Account Inquiry
# return as Object
externalAccountInquiry = snap.externalAccountInquiry({
'beneficiaryBankCode': 'CENAIDJAXXX',
'beneficiaryAccountNo': '123456789',
'partnerReferenceNo': '20240226163135663', # optional
'additionalInfo': {
'deviceId': '09864ADCASA', # optional
'channel': 'API' # optional
Transfer Inter Bank
# return as Object
transferInterBank = snap.transferInterBank({
'partnerReferenceNo': '20240226163731861', # transaction reference number
'amount': {
'value': '20000',
'currency': 'IDR'
'beneficiaryAccountName': 'SRI ANGGRAINI',
'beneficiaryAccountNo': '0000000986',
'beneficiaryAddress': 'Palembang', # optional
'beneficiaryBankCode': '014',
'beneficiaryBankName': 'Bank BCA', # optional
'beneficiaryEmail': '', # optional
'currency': 'IDR', # optional
'customerReference': '20231219085', # optional
'sourceAccountNo': '1000161562',
'transactionDate': '2024-01-04T08:37:08+07:00',
'feeType': 'OUR', # OUR: fee will be paid by sender (default), BEN: fee will be paid by beneficary, SHA: fee divided
'additionalInfo': {
'deviceId': '09864ADCASA', # optional
'channel': 'API' # optional
2.2.C RDN
Create RDN class object
from bnipython import BNIClient, RDN
# Create Client instance
client = BNIClient({
'env': False,
'clientId': '{your-client-id}',
'clientSecret': '{your-client-secret}',
'apiKey': '{your-api-key}',
'apiSecret': '{your-api-secret}',
'appName': '{your-app-name}'
rekening_dana_nasabah = RDN(client)
Available methods for RDN class
Face Recognition
# return as Object
faceRecognition = rekening_dana_nasabah.faceRecognition({
'companyId': 'SANDBOX',
'parentCompanyId': 'STI_CHS', # optional
'firstName': 'MOHAMMAD', # optional
'middleName': 'BAQER', # optional
'lastName': 'ZALQAD',
'idNumber': '0141111121260118', # Identity Number (KTP only)
'birthDate': '29-09-2021', # dd-mm-yyyy
'birthPlace': 'BANDUNG', # e.g. : “Semarang”
'gender': 'M', # "M" or "F"
'cityAddress': 'Bandung',
'stateProvAddress': 'Jawa Barat',
'addressCountry': 'ID', # e.g.: “ID”
'streetAddress1': 'bandung',
'streetAddress2': 'bandung',
'postCodeAddress': '40914',
'country': 'ID', # e.g.: “ID”
'selfiePhoto': '29mdHdhcmUAd3d3Lmlua3NjYXBlLm9yZ5vuP' # Base64 encoded selfie photo
Register Investor
# return as Object
registerInvestor = rekening_dana_nasabah.registerInvestor({
'companyId': 'SANDBOX', # Registered participan id from KSEI
'parentCompanyId': 'STI_CHS', # optional
'uuidFaceRecog': '492F33851D634CFB', # RequestUuid successed value from Face Recognition API (KYC valid)
'title': '01',
'firstName': 'Agus', # e.g.: "Iko"
'middleName': '', # optional
'lastName': 'Saputra', # e.g.: "Wirya"
'optNPWP': '1', # “1” or “0” (Default “1”)
'NPWPNum': '001058893408123', # e.g.: "475519484101000"
'nationality': 'ID', # e.g.: "ID"
'domicileCountry': 'ID', # e.g.: "ID"
'religion': '2',
'birthPlace': 'Semarang', # e.g.: "Semarang"
'birthDate': '14081982', # e.g.: "ddMMyyyy"
'gender': 'M', # "M" or "F"
'isMarried': 'S',
'motherMaidenName': 'Dina Maryati', # Mother’s name, e.g.: "Dina Maryati"
'jobCode': '01',
'education': '7',
'idType': '01', # For WNI, fill with "01" (KTP). For WNA, fill with "03" (Passport)
'idNumber': '4147016201959998', # Identity Number (KTP for idType 01, Passport Number for idType 03)
'idIssuingCity': 'Jakarta Barat', # KTP issued city, e.g.: "Jakarta Barat"
'idExpiryDate': '26102099', # e.g.: "ddMMyyyy"
'addressStreet': 'Jalan Mawar Melati', # e.g.: "Jalan Mawar Melati"
'addressRtRwPerum': '003009Sentosa', # e.g.: "003009Sentosa"
'addressKel': 'Cengkareng Barat', # e.g.: "Cengkareng Barat"
'addressKec': 'Cengkareng/Jakarta Barat', # e.g.: "Cengkareng/Jakarta Barat"
'zipCode': '11730', # Postal code, e.g.: "11730"
'homePhone1': '0214', # Area code, e.g. 021 (3 - 4 digit) If not exist, fill with "9999"
'homePhone2': '7459', # Number after area code (min 4 digit) If not exist, fill with "99999999"
'officePhone1': '', # Area code, e.g. 021
'officePhone2': '', # Number after area code
'mobilePhone1': '0812', # Operator code, e.g. 0812 (4 digit) If not exist, fill with "0899"
'mobilePhone2': '12348331', # Number after operator code (min 6 digit) If not exist, fill with "999999"
'faxNum1': '', # Area code, e.g. 021
'faxNum2': '', # Number after area code
'email': '', # Email address
'monthlyIncome': '8000000',
'branchOpening': '0259',
'sid': 'IDD280436215354', # Single Investor ID
'employerName': 'Salman', # Employer Name / Company Name
'employerAddDet': 'St Baker', # Employer street address / home street address
'employerAddCity': 'Arrandelle', # Employer city address / home city address
'jobDesc': 'Pedagang',
'ownedBankAccNo': '0337109074', # Investor’s owned bank account
'idIssuingDate': '10122008'
# return as Object
checkSID = rekening_dana_nasabah.checkSID({
'companyId': 'SANDBOX', # Registered participan id from KSEI
'parentCompanyId': 'STI_CHS',
'participantId': 'NI001', # Institution code, e.g.: "NI001"
'sidNumber': 'IDD1206M9527805', # SID number, e.g.: "IDD12345002"
'accountNumberOnKsei': 'NI001CRKG00146',
'branchCode': '0259',
'ack': 'Y' # N = send data to KSEI & Y = check previous checkSID status
Register Investor Account
# return as Object
registerInvestorAccount = rekening_dana_nasabah.registerInvestorAccount({
'companyId': 'SANDBOX',≈
'parentCompanyId': 'STI_CHS', # optional
'cifNumber': '9100749959', # CIF number
'currency': 'IDR', # "IDR" or "USD"
'openAccountReason': '2',
'sourceOfFund': '1',
'branchId': '0259',
'bnisId': '19050813401', # Value = requestUuid.
'sre': 'NI001CX5U00109' # No. Sub rekening efek, e.g: “NI001CX5U00109”
Send Data Static
# return as Object
sendDataStatic = rekening_dana_nasabah.sendDataStatic({
'companyId': 'SPS App', # Registered participan id from KSEI
'parentCompanyId': 'KSEI', # optional
'participantCode': 'NI001', # Institution code, e.g: “NI001”
'participantName': 'PT. BNI SECURITIES', # Institution name, e.g.: “PT. BNI SECURITIES”
'investorName': 'SUMARNO', # Investor name
'investorCode': 'IDD250436742277', # Investor code, e.g.: "IDD250436742277"
'investorAccountNumber': 'NI001042300155', # Investor account number, e.g.: "NI001042300155"
'bankAccountNumber': '242345393', # e.g.: "242345393"
'activityDate': '20180511', # e.g: "yyyyMMdd"
'activity': 'O' # (O)pening / (C)lose / (B)lock Account / (U)nblock Account
Inquiry Account Info
# return as Object
inquiryAccountInfo = rekening_dana_nasabah.inquiryAccountInfo({
'companyId': 'SANDBOX', # Registered participan id from KSEI
'parentCompanyId': 'STI_CHS', # optional
'accountNumber': '0115476117' # Account number
Inquiry Account Balance
# return as Object
inquiryAccountBalance = rekening_dana_nasabah.inquiryAccountBalance({
'companyId': 'SANDBOX', # Registered participan id from KSEI
'parentCompanyId': 'STI_CHS', # optional
'accountNumber': '0115476117' # Account number
Payment Using Transfer
# return as Object
paymentUsingTransfer = rekening_dana_nasabah.paymentUsingTransfer({
'companyId': 'SANDBOX', # Registered participan id from KSEI
'parentCompanyId': 'STI_CHS', # optional
'accountNumber': '0115476117', # Transfer/payment provider Account number
'beneficiaryAccountNumber': '0115471119', # Transfer/payment receiver account number
'currency': 'IDR', # e.g.: “IDR”
'amount': '11500', # Total payment/transfer
'remark': 'Test RDN' # Recommended for the reconciliation purpose
Inquiry Payment Status
# return as Object
inquiryPaymentStatus = rekening_dana_nasabah.inquiryPaymentStatus({
'companyId': 'SANDBOX', # Registered participan id from KSEI
'parentCompanyId': 'STI_CHS', # optional
'requestedUuid': 'E8C6E0027F6E429F'
Payment Using Clearing
# return as Object
paymentUsingClearing = rekening_dana_nasabah.paymentUsingClearing({
'companyId': 'SANDBOX', # Registered participan id from KSEI
'parentCompanyId': 'STI_CHS', # optional
'accountNumber': '0115476117', # Transfer/payment provider account number
'beneficiaryAccountNumber': '3333333333', # Transfer/payment receiver account number
'beneficiaryAddress1': 'Jakarta', # Receiver address, e.g.: "Jakarta"
'beneficiaryAddress2': '', # optional
'beneficiaryBankCode': '140397',
'beneficiaryName': 'Panji Samudra', # Receiver name
'currency': 'IDR', # e.g., “IDR”
'amount': '15000', # Total payment/transfer
'remark': 'Test kliring', # Recommended for the reconciliation purpose
'chargingType': 'OUR'
Payment Using RTGS
# return as Object
paymentUsingRTGS = rekening_dana_nasabah.paymentUsingRTGS({
'companyId': 'NI001', # Registered participan id from KSEI
'parentCompanyId': 'KSEI', # optional
'accountNumber': '0115476117', # Transfer/payment provider account number
'beneficiaryAccountNumber': '3333333333', # Transfer/payment receiver account number
'beneficiaryAddress1': 'Jakarta', # Receiver address, e.g.: "Jakarta"
'beneficiaryAddress2': '', # optional
'beneficiaryBankCode': 'CENAIDJA',
'beneficiaryName': 'Panji Samudra', # Receiver name
'currency': 'IDR', # e.g., “IDR”
'amount': '150000000', # Total payment/transfer
'remark': 'Test rtgs', # Recommended for the reconciliation purpose
'chargingType': 'OUR'
Inquiry Inter Bank Account
# return as Object
inquiryInterbankAccount = rekening_dana_nasabah.inquiryInterbankAccount({
'companyId': 'NI001', # Registered participan id from KSEI
'parentCompanyId': 'KSEI', # optional
'accountNumber': '0115476117', # Transfer/payment provider account number
'beneficiaryBankCode': '013',
'beneficiaryAccountNumber': '01300000' # Transfer/payment receiver account number
Payment Using Inter Bank
# return as Object
paymentUsingInterbank = rekening_dana_nasabah.paymentUsingInterbank({
'companyId': 'SANDBOX', # Registered participan id from KSEI
'parentCompanyId': 'STI_CHS', # optional
'accountNumber': '0115476117', # Transfer/payment provider account number
'beneficiaryAccountNumber': '3333333333', # Transfer/payment receiver account number
'beneficiaryAccountName': 'KEN AROK', # Get from Inquiry Interbank Account
'beneficiaryBankCode': '014',
'beneficiaryBankName': 'BANK BCA', # Get from Inquiry Interbank Account
'amount': '15000' # Total payment/transfer
2.2.C RDL
Create RDL class object
from bnipython import BNIClient, RDL
# Create Client instance
client = BNIClient({
'env': False,
'clientId': '{your-client-id}',
'clientSecret': '{your-client-secret}',
'apiKey': '{your-api-key}',
'apiSecret': '{your-api-secret}',
'appName': '{your-app-name}'
p2p_lending = RDL(client)
Available methods for RDL class
Face Recognition
# return as Object
faceRecognition = p2p_lending.faceRecognition({
'companyId': 'SANDBOX',
'parentCompanyId': 'STI_CHS', # optional
'firstName': 'MOHAMMAD', # optional
'middleName': 'BAQER', # optional
'lastName': 'ZALQAD',
'idNumber': '0141111121260118', # Identity Number (KTP only)
'birthDate': '29-09-2021', # dd-mm-yyyy
'birthPlace': 'BANDUNG', # e.g. : “Semarang”
'gender': 'M', # "M" or "F"
'cityAddress': 'Bandung',
'stateProvAddress': 'Jawa Barat',
'addressCountry': 'ID', # e.g.: “ID”
'streetAddress1': 'bandung',
'streetAddress2': 'bandung',
'postCodeAddress': '40914',
'country': 'ID', # e.g.: “ID”
'selfiePhoto': '29mdHdhcmUAd3d3Lmlua3NjYXBlLm9yZ5vuP' # Base64 encoded selfie photo
Register Investor
# return as Object
registerInvestor = p2p_lending.registerInvestor({
'companyId': 'SANDBOX', # Registered participan id from KSEI
'parentCompanyId': 'STI_CHS', # optional
'uuidFaceRecog': '492F33851D634CFB', # RequestUuid successed value from Face Recognition API (KYC valid)
'title': '01',
'firstName': 'Agus', # e.g.: "Iko"
'middleName': '', # optional
'lastName': 'Saputra', # e.g.: "Wirya"
'optNPWP': '1', # “1” or “0” (Default “1”)
'NPWPNum': '001058893408123', # e.g.: "475519484101000"
'nationality': 'ID', # e.g.: "ID"
'domicileCountry': 'ID', # e.g.: "ID"
'religion': '2',
'birthPlace': 'Semarang', # e.g.: "Semarang"
'birthDate': '14081982', # e.g.: "ddMMyyyy"
'gender': 'M', # "M" or "F"
'isMarried': 'S',
'motherMaidenName': 'Dina Maryati', # Mother’s name, e.g.: "Dina Maryati"
'jobCode': '01',
'education': '07',
'idType': '01', # For WNI, fill with "01" (KTP). For WNA, fill with "03" (Passport)
'idNumber': '4147016201959998', # Identity Number (KTP for idType 01, Passport Number for idType 03)
'idIssuingCity': 'Jakarta Barat', # KTP issued city, e.g.: "Jakarta Barat"
'idExpiryDate': '26102099', # e.g.: "ddMMyyyy"
'addressStreet': 'Jalan Mawar Melati',
'addressRtRwPerum': '003009Sentosa',
'addressKel': 'Cengkareng Barat',
'addressKec': 'Cengkareng/Jakarta Barat',
'zipCode': '11730', # Postal code, e.g.: "11730"
'homePhone1': '0214', # Area code, e.g. 021 (3 - 4 digit) If not exist, fill with "9999"
'homePhone2': '7459', # Number after area code (min 4 digit) If not exist, fill with "99999999"
'officePhone1': '', # Area code, e.g. 021
'officePhone2': '', # Number after area code
'mobilePhone1': '0812', # Operator code, e.g. 0812 (4 digit) If not exist, fill with "0899"
'mobilePhone2': '12348331', # Number after operator code (min 6 digit) If not exist, fill with "999999"
'faxNum1': '', # Area code, e.g. 021
'faxNum2': '', # Number after area code
'email': '', # Email address
'monthlyIncome': '8000000',
'branchOpening': '0259',
'sid': 'IDD280436215354', # Single Investor ID
'employerName': 'Salman', # Employer Name / Company Name
'employerAddDet': 'St Baker', # Employer street address / home street address
'employerAddCity': 'Arrandelle', # Employer city address / home city address
'jobDesc': 'Pedagang',
'ownedBankAccNo': '0337109074', # Investor’s owned bank account
'idIssuingDate': '10122008'
Register Investor Account
# return as Object
registerInvestorAccount = p2p_lending.registerInvestorAccount({
'companyId': 'SANDBOX',≈
'parentCompanyId': 'STI_CHS', # optional
'cifNumber': '9100749959', # CIF number
'currency': 'IDR', # "IDR" or "USD"
'openAccountReason': '2',
'sourceOfFund': '1',
'branchId': '0259',
'bnisId': '19050813401', # Value = requestUuid.
'sre': 'NI001CX5U00109' # No. Sub rekening efek, e.g: “NI001CX5U00109”
Inquiry Account Info
# return as Object
inquiryAccountInfo = p2p_lending.inquiryAccountInfo({
'companyId': 'SANDBOX', # Registered participan id from KSEI
'parentCompanyId': 'STI_CHS', # optional
'accountNumber': '0115476117' # Account number
Inquiry Account Balance
# return as Object
inquiryAccountBalance = p2p_lending.inquiryAccountBalance({
'companyId': 'SANDBOX', # Registered participan id from KSEI
'parentCompanyId': 'STI_CHS', # optional
'accountNumber': '0115476117' # Account number
Inquiry Account History
# return as Object
inquiryAccountHistory = p2p_lending.inquiryAccountHistory({
'companyId': 'SANDBOX', # Registered participan id from KSEI
'parentCompanyId': 'STI_CHS', # optional
'accountNumber': '0115476117' # Account number
Payment Using Transfer
# return as Object
paymentUsingTransfer = p2p_lending.paymentUsingTransfer({
'companyId': 'SANDBOX', # Registered participan id from KSEI
'parentCompanyId': 'STI_CHS', # optional
'accountNumber': '0115476117', # Account number
'beneficiaryAccountNumber': '0115471119', # Transfer/payment receiver account number
'currency': 'IDR', # e.g.: “IDR”
'amount': '11500', # Total payment/transfer
'remark': 'Test RDL' # Recommended for the reconciliation purpose
Inquiry Payment Status
# return as Object
inquiryPaymentStatus = p2p_lending.inquiryPaymentStatus({
'companyId': 'SANDBOX', # Registered participan id from KSEI
'parentCompanyId': 'STI_CHS', # optional
'requestedUuid': 'E8C6E0027F6E429F'
Payment Using Clearing
# return as Object
paymentUsingClearing = p2p_lending.paymentUsingClearing({
'companyId': 'SANDBOX', # Registered participan id from KSEI
'parentCompanyId': 'STI_CHS', # optional
'accountNumber': '0115476117', # Transfer/payment provider account number
'beneficiaryAccountNumber': '3333333333', # Transfer/payment receiver account number
'beneficiaryAddress1': 'Jakarta', # Receiver address, e.g.: "Jakarta"
'beneficiaryAddress2': '', # optional
'beneficiaryBankCode': '140397',
'beneficiaryName': 'Panji Samudra', # Receiver name
'currency': 'IDR', # e.g., “IDR”
'amount': '15000', # Total payment/transfer
'remark': 'Test kliring', # Recommended for the reconciliation purpose
'chargingType': 'OUR'
Payment Using RTGS
# return as Object
paymentUsingRTGS = p2p_lending.paymentUsingRTGS({
'companyId': 'NI001', # Registered participan id from KSEI
'parentCompanyId': 'KSEI', # optional
'accountNumber': '0115476117', # Transfer/payment provider account number
'beneficiaryAccountNumber': '3333333333', # Transfer/payment receiver account number
'beneficiaryAddress1': 'Jakarta', # Receiver address, e.g.: "Jakarta"
'beneficiaryAddress2': '', # optional
'beneficiaryBankCode': 'CENAIDJA',
'beneficiaryName': 'Panji Samudra', # Receiver name
'currency': 'IDR', # e.g., “IDR”
'amount': '150000000', # Total payment/transfer
'remark': 'Test rtgs', # Recommended for the reconciliation purpose
'chargingType': 'OUR'
Inquiry Inter Bank Account
# return as Object
inquiryInterbankAccount = p2p_lending.inquiryInterbankAccount({
'companyId': 'NI001', # Registered participan id from KSEI
'parentCompanyId': 'KSEI', # optional
'accountNumber': '0115476117', # Transfer/payment provider account number
'beneficiaryBankCode': '013',
'beneficiaryAccountNumber': '01300000' # Transfer/payment receiver account number
Payment Using Inter Bank
# return as Object
paymentUsingInterbank = p2p_lending.paymentUsingInterbank({
'companyId': 'SANDBOX', # Registered participan id from KSEI
'parentCompanyId': 'STI_CHS', # optional
'accountNumber': '0115476117', # Transfer/payment provider account number
'beneficiaryAccountNumber': '3333333333', # Transfer/payment receiver account number
'beneficiaryAccountName': 'KEN AROK', # Get from Inquiry Interbank Account
'beneficiaryBankCode': '014',
'beneficiaryBankName': 'BANK BCA', # Get from Inquiry Interbank Account
'amount': '15000' # Total payment/transfer
2.2.E RDF
Create RDF class object
from bnipython import BNIClient, RDF
# Create Client instance
client = BNIClient({
'env': False,
'clientId': '{your-client-id}',
'clientSecret': '{your-client-secret}',
'apiKey': '{your-api-key}',
'apiSecret': '{your-api-secret}',
'appName': '{your-app-name}'
rekening_dana_funder = RDF(client)
Available methods for RDF class
Face Recognition
# return as Object
faceRecognition = rekening_dana_funder.faceRecognition({
'companyId': 'SANDBOX',
'parentCompanyId': 'STI_CHS', # optional
'firstName': 'MOHAMMAD', # optional
'middleName': 'BAQER', # optional
'lastName': 'ZALQAD',
'idNumber': '0141111121260118', # Identity Number (KTP only)
'birthDate': '29-09-2021', # dd-mm-yyyy
'birthPlace': 'BANDUNG', # e.g. : “Semarang”
'gender': 'M', # "M" or "F"
'cityAddress': 'Bandung',
'stateProvAddress': 'Jawa Barat',
'addressCountry': 'ID', # e.g.: “ID”
'streetAddress1': 'bandung',
'streetAddress2': 'bandung',
'postCodeAddress': '40914',
'country': 'ID', # e.g.: “ID”
'selfiePhoto': '29mdHdhcmUAd3d3Lmlua3NjYXBlLm9yZ5vuP' # Base64 encoded selfie photo
Register Investor
# return as Object
registerInvestor = rekening_dana_funder.registerInvestor({
'companyId': 'SANDBOX', # Registered participan id from KSEI
'parentCompanyId': 'STI_CHS', # optional
'uuidFaceRecog': '492F33851D634CFB', # RequestUuid successed value from Face Recognition API (KYC valid)
'title': '01',
'firstName': 'Agus', # e.g.: "Iko"
'middleName': '', # optional
'lastName': 'Saputra', # e.g.: "Wirya"
'optNPWP': '1', # “1” or “0” (Default “1”)
'NPWPNum': '001058893408123', # e.g.: "475519484101000"
'nationality': 'ID', # e.g.: "ID"
'domicileCountry': 'ID', # e.g.: "ID"
'religion': '2',
'birthPlace': 'Semarang', # e.g.: "Semarang"
'birthDate': '14081982', # e.g.: "ddMMyyyy"
'gender': 'M', # "M" or "F"
'isMarried': 'S',
'motherMaidenName': 'Dina Maryati', # Mother’s name, e.g.: "Dina Maryati"
'jobCode': '01',
'education': '07',
'idType': '01', # For WNI, fill with "01" (KTP). For WNA, fill with "03" (Passport)
'idNumber': '4147016201959998', # Identity Number (KTP for idType 01, Passport Number for idType 03)
'idIssuingCity': 'Jakarta Barat', # KTP issued city, e.g.: "Jakarta Barat"
'idExpiryDate': '26102099', # e.g.: "ddMMyyyy"
'addressStreet': 'Jalan Mawar Melati',
'addressRtRwPerum': '003009Sentosa',
'addressKel': 'Cengkareng Barat',
'addressKec': 'Cengkareng/Jakarta Barat',
'zipCode': '11730', # Postal code, e.g.: "11730"
'homePhone1': '0214', # Area code, e.g. 021 (3 - 4 digit) If not exist, fill with "9999"
'homePhone2': '7459', # Number after area code (min 4 digit) If not exist, fill with "99999999"
'officePhone1': '', # Area code, e.g. 021
'officePhone2': '', # Number after area code
'mobilePhone1': '0812', # Operator code, e.g. 0812 (4 digit) If not exist, fill with "0899"
'mobilePhone2': '12348331', # Number after operator code (min 6 digit) If not exist, fill with "999999"
'faxNum1': '', # Area code, e.g. 021
'faxNum2': '', # Number after area code
'email': '', # Email address
'monthlyIncome': '8000000',
'branchOpening': '0259',
'sid': 'IDD280436215354', # Single Investor ID
'employerName': 'Salman', # Employer Name / Company Name
'employerAddDet': 'St Baker', # Employer street address / home street address
'employerAddCity': 'Arrandelle', # Employer city address / home city address
'jobDesc': 'Pedagang',
'ownedBankAccNo': '0337109074', # Investor’s owned bank account
'idIssuingDate': '10122008'
Register Investor Account
# return as Object
registerInvestorAccount = rekening_dana_funder.registerInvestorAccount({
'companyId': 'SANDBOX',≈
'parentCompanyId': 'STI_CHS', # optional
'cifNumber': '9100749959', # CIF number
'currency': 'IDR', # "IDR" or "USD"
'openAccountReason': '2',
'sourceOfFund': '1',
'branchId': '0259',
'bnisId': '19050813401', # Value = requestUuid.
'sre': 'NI001CX5U00109' # No. Sub rekening efek, e.g: “NI001CX5U00109”
Inquiry Account Info
# return as Object
inquiryAccountInfo = rekening_dana_funder.inquiryAccountInfo({
'companyId': 'SANDBOX', # Registered participan id from KSEI
'parentCompanyId': 'STI_CHS', # optional
'accountNumber': '0115476117' # Account number
Inquiry Account Balance
# return as Object
inquiryAccountBalance = rekening_dana_funder.inquiryAccountBalance({
'companyId': 'SANDBOX', # Registered participan id from KSEI
'parentCompanyId': 'STI_CHS', # optional
'accountNumber': '0115476117' # Account number
Inquiry Account History
# return as Object
inquiryAccountHistory = rekening_dana_funder.inquiryAccountHistory({
'companyId': 'SANDBOX', # Registered participan id from KSEI
'parentCompanyId': 'STI_CHS', # optional
'accountNumber': '0115476117' # Account number
Payment Using Transfer
# return as Object
paymentUsingTransfer = rekening_dana_funder.paymentUsingTransfer({
'companyId': 'SANDBOX', # Registered participan id from KSEI
'parentCompanyId': 'STI_CHS', # optional
'accountNumber': '0115476117', # Account number
'beneficiaryAccountNumber': '0115471119', # Transfer/payment receiver account number
'currency': 'IDR', # e.g.: “IDR”
'amount': '11500', # Total payment/transfer
'remark': 'Test RDL' # Recommended for the reconciliation purpose
Inquiry Payment Status
# return as Object
inquiryPaymentStatus = rekening_dana_funder.inquiryPaymentStatus({
'companyId': 'SANDBOX', # Registered participan id from KSEI
'parentCompanyId': 'STI_CHS', # optional
'requestedUuid': 'E8C6E0027F6E429F'
Payment Using Clearing
# return as Object
paymentUsingClearing = rekening_dana_funder.paymentUsingClearing({
'companyId': 'SANDBOX', # Registered participan id from KSEI
'parentCompanyId': 'STI_CHS', # optional
'accountNumber': '0115476117', # Transfer/payment provider account number
'beneficiaryAccountNumber': '3333333333', # Transfer/payment receiver account number
'beneficiaryAddress1': 'Jakarta', # Receiver address, e.g.: "Jakarta"
'beneficiaryAddress2': '', # optional
'beneficiaryBankCode': '140397',
'beneficiaryName': 'Panji Samudra', # Receiver name
'currency': 'IDR', # e.g., “IDR”
'amount': '15000', # Total payment/transfer
'remark': 'Test kliring', # Recommended for the reconciliation purpose
'chargingType': 'OUR'
Payment Using RTGS
# return as Object
paymentUsingRTGS = rekening_dana_funder.paymentUsingRTGS({
'companyId': 'NI001', # Registered participan id from KSEI
'parentCompanyId': 'KSEI', # optional
'accountNumber': '0115476117', # Transfer/payment provider account number
'beneficiaryAccountNumber': '3333333333', # Transfer/payment receiver account number
'beneficiaryAddress1': 'Jakarta', # Receiver address, e.g.: "Jakarta"
'beneficiaryAddress2': '', # optional
'beneficiaryBankCode': 'CENAIDJA',
'beneficiaryName': 'Panji Samudra', # Receiver name
'currency': 'IDR', # e.g., “IDR”
'amount': '150000000', # Total payment/transfer
'remark': 'Test rtgs', # Recommended for the reconciliation purpose
'chargingType': 'OUR'
Inquiry Inter Bank Account
# return as Object
inquiryInterbankAccount = rekening_dana_funder.inquiryInterbankAccount({
'companyId': 'NI001', # Registered participan id from KSEI
'parentCompanyId': 'KSEI', # optional
'accountNumber': '0115476117', # Transfer/payment provider account number
'beneficiaryBankCode': '013',
'beneficiaryAccountNumber': '01300000' # Transfer/payment receiver account number
Payment Using Inter Bank
# return as Object
paymentUsingInterbank = rekening_dana_funder.paymentUsingInterbank({
'companyId': 'SANDBOX', # Registered participan id from KSEI
'parentCompanyId': 'STI_CHS', # optional
'accountNumber': '0115476117', # Transfer/payment provider account number
'beneficiaryAccountNumber': '3333333333', # Transfer/payment receiver account number
'beneficiaryAccountName': 'KEN AROK', # Get from Inquiry Interbank Account
'beneficiaryBankCode': '014',
'beneficiaryBankName': 'BANK BCA', # Get from Inquiry Interbank Account
'amount': '15000' # Total payment/transfer
2.2.F BNI Move / Digiloan
Create BNIMove class object
from bnipython import BNIClient, BNIMove
# Create Client instance
client = BNIClient({
'env': False,
'clientId': '{your-client-id}',
'clientSecret': '{your-client-secret}',
'apiKey': '{your-api-key}',
'apiSecret': '{your-api-secret}',
'appName': '{your-app-name}'
bniMove = BNIMove(client)
Available methods for BNIMove class
# return as Object
prescreening = bniMove.prescreening({
"kodeMitra":"BNI", # Mitra ID / reference application from mitra
"npp":"", # No Refferal (optional)
"namaLengkapKtp":"Muhammad Haikal Madani", # Nama lengkap KTP
"noKtp":"3174052209980002", # Nomor KTP
"noHandphone":"085921658045", # No Handphone
"alamatUsaha":"jakarta", # Alamat Usaha
"provinsiUsaha":"06", # Provinsi Usaha
"kotaUsaha":"143", # Kota Usaha
"kecamatanUsaha":"1074", # Kecamatan Usaha
"kelurahanUsaha":"4254", # Kelurahan Usaha
"kodePosUsaha":"11450", # Kode Pos Usaha
"sektorEkonomi":"2", # Sektor Ekonomi
"totalPenjualan":50000000, # Total Penjualan per bulan
"jangkaWaktu":"12", # Jangka waktu / tenor
"jenisPinjaman":"1", # Jenis Pinjaman
"maximumKredit":50000000, # Maksimum kredit/plafond
"jenisKelamin":"1", # Jenis Kelamin
"tanggalLahir":"1998-10-07", # Tanggal Lahir
"subSektorEkonomi":"050111", # Sub-Sektor Ekonomi
"deskripsi":"Usaha Ternak Perikanan", # Deskripsi
"email":"" # Email (optional)
Save Image
# return as Object
saveImage = bniMove.saveImage({
"Id": "MJO2024022000004", # Id
"deskripsi": "Foto Identitas KTP", # Deskripsi
"jenisDokumen": "A03", # Jenis dokumen
"namaFile": "Foto KTP", # Nama file
"extensionFile": "png", # Extension File
"dataBase64": "" # Base64 encoded image file
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