Book Store Backend Nest Js | Coderz Product

Book Store backend - NestJS

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This is a Book Store backend built using Nest.js, a progressive Node.js framework inspired by Angular for building efficient and scalable server-side applications. The repository serves as a starter template for creating a backend application with Nest.js in TypeScript.


  • Built with Nest.js, a modern Node.js framework.
  • Uses TypeScript for strong typing and better development experience.
  • Supports different running modes:
    • Development: Easy to run and test during development.
    • Watch mode: Automatically reloads when changes are detected.
    • Production mode: Optimized for production deployment.
  • Includes support for unit and end-to-end (e2e) testing.
  • Provides coverage reports for tests.


  • Node.js version 14 or higher.
  • npm (Node Package Manager) for managing dependencies.


  1. Installation:
    To set up the project, run the following command to install all required dependencies:



    Copy code

    npm install

  2. Running the Application:

    • Development Mode:
      Starts the app in development mode with automatic reloads.


      Copy code

      npm run start:dev

    • Watch Mode:
      Starts the app and watches for file changes.


      Copy code

      npm run start:dev

    • Production Mode:
      Starts the app in production mode.


      Copy code

      npm run start:prod

  3. Testing:

    • Unit Tests:
      Run unit tests for the application.


      Copy code

      npm run test

    • End-to-End (e2e) Tests:
      Run e2e tests.


      Copy code

      npm run test:e2e

    • Test Coverage:
      Generate and view test coverage report.


      Copy code

      npm run test:cov


For personal and professional use. You cannot resell or redistribute these repositories in their original state.

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