100bot 1.0.1 | Coderz Product

100bot 1.0.1

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100bot 1.0.1

# 100BotThis is a son-of-[IoBot](https://github.com/adahn6/Io) project, taking the bestthings about Io and turning them into a monster.A picture is worth 1000 words:![Screenshot of example conversation](example.png)100Bot is powered by the Watson Tone Analyzer service. Each message is carefullyparsed for emotional significance and response, so that the perfectlyappropriate reaction emoji can be chosen.## Running 100BotThe bot requires three very specific parameters: - A Watson Tone Analyzer `username` credential - A Watson Tone Analyzer `password` credential - A Slack Integration Token for a bot### Running with docker-composeThe easiest way to get 100bot up and running with dependencies is by using the docker service file included: `docker-compose.yml`. Modify the supplied `.env-sample` to provide credentials for the Watson Tone Analyzer and a Slack bot. Then build and start the service with:```shelldocker-compose up -d```### Running natively with pythonPip modules `slackclient` and `requests` must be installed. Use virtualenv to make your life easier. Passing of credentials can be done with argparse:```shellpython3 100bot.py \ --bx-username "user" \ --bx-password "verysecret" \ --slack-token "xoob-137138657231-2ReKEpxlvWwe6vDBripOs7sR"```but can also be done with environment variables:```shellexport BLUEMIX_USERNAME=userexport BLUEMIX_PASSWORD=verysecretexport SLACK_TOKEN="xoob-137138657231-2ReKEpxlvWwe6vDBripOs7sR"python3 100bot.py```(yes, these are all fake credentials don't try them...)


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