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bumprelease 0.10.6
Updates the release numbers for a projects
This script uses the release.ini file placed at the root of the project, and replaces the version or release number in various files.
$ cd <project_root>
$ ls -al
$ bump_release <major>.<minor>.<release>
Simple install (without pyproject.tml support)
On linux, the best place to install it is for the user:
$ pip install --user bump-release
Assume to have ~/.local/bin in the $PATH.
You can use pipx too for the same purpose:
$ pipx install bump-release
Install with pyproject.tml support
For pyproject.toml, you can use the pipx command:
$ pip install --user bump-release[toml]
or with pipx:
$ pipx install bump-release[toml]
This will install the bump-release package and the toml dependencies:
These libs are the one used by setuptools for pyproject.toml file parsing / updating.
Version numbers that can be updated
main project version
node package.json
sonar properties
sphinx docs
ansible variables in a vars file
The .ini file provides path, patterns and templates to update files.
If a section is not present, no action if performed for this section.
The application provides some "standard" patterns and templates (aka. the ones I use in my projects). If you provide some patterns and templates, you have to enclose them with double-quotes. Due to configparser limitations, all strings are parsed as raw strings.
The application removes those double-quotes through a :
pattern = config["<section>"].get("pattern") or DEFAULT_PATTERN
pattern = pattern.strip('"')
Example ini file:
; Current version of the projects, will be updated by the script
current_release = 0.1.0
path = <project>/settings/
; Optional pattern, default is...
pattern = "^__version__\s*=\s*VERSION\s*=\s*['\"][.\d\w]+['\"]$"
; Optional template, default is...
template = "__version__ = VERSION = '{major}.{minor}.{release}'"
path = <project>/assets/package.json
; Optional key, default is...
key = "version"
path = ./
; Optional pattern, default is...
pattern = "^sonar.projectVersion=([.\d\w]+)$"
; Optional template, default is...
template = "sonar.projectVersion={major}.{minor}"
path = <project>/../docs/source/
; Optional pattern, default is...
version_pattern = "^version\s+=\s+[\"']([.\d\w]+)[\"']$"
; Optional template, default is...
version_format = "version = '{major}.{minor}'"
; Optional pattern, default is...
release_pattern = "^release\s+=\s+[\"']([.\d\w]+)[\"']$"
; Optional template, default is...
release_format = "release = '{major}.{minor}.{release}'"
path = <project>/../ansible/prod/vars/vars.yml
; Optional key - The script searches for the "git" root key, and then for "version" sub-key
key = "git.version"
path = <project>/
; Optional pattern, default is...
pattern = "^\s*version=['\"]([.\d\w]+)['\"],$"
; Optional template, default is...
template = " version='{major}.{minor}.{release}',"
path = <project>/setup.cfg
; Optional pattern, default is...
pattern = "^version = ([.\d\w]+)$"
; Optional template, default is...
template = "version = {major}.{minor}.{release}"
path = <project>/pyproject.toml
; Optional key, default is...
key = "project.version"
$ cd <project_root>
$ cat release.ini
current_release = 0.0.1
path = "foo/"
path = ""
$ cat foo/
__version__ = VERSION = "0.0.1"
$ bump_release 0.0.2
$ cat release.ini
current_release = 0.0.2
$ cat foo/
__version__ = VERSION = "0.0.2"
For personal and professional use. You cannot resell or redistribute these repositories in their original state.
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