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bumpemu 0.0.8
This is a bump controller emulator for CellPro PowerLab 6 and 8 chargers.
It allows you to use the CCS mobile app to control your charger over
bluetooth low energy (BLE).
To interface to the PowerLab with BLE, you need two pieces of hardware:
FUIM3 USB Adapter
Raspberry Pi Zero W
If you've ever hooked up your PowerLab to your PC and monitored charging,
you already have the FUIM3.
Pi Zero W Setup
This controller emulator will run on the Pi Zero W. Follow the
instructions for installing the
Pi with the latest version of Raspbian.
Once you have the Pi up and running, make sure everything is up to date:
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get upgrade
Then install the required libraries:
sudo apt-get install -y libusb-dev libdbus-1-dev libglib2.0-dev libudev-dev libical-dev libreadline-dev libgirepository1.0-dev libcairo2-dev
The Pi will come with bluez already installed, but it will probably be an
older version. Version 5.45 has proven to work well so you will need to
install it. Download it from here.
Then follow these instructions
to install it. Make sure to do the step where you enable the experimental
Finally, bumpemu can be installed using pip:
sudo pip3 install bumpemu
Then you can run bumpemu as follows:
You can view various configuration options with -h:
/usr/local/bin/bumpemu-controller -h
A systemd service is in the repo if you wish to have bumpemu run at boot.
Presets configuration
The BumpCCS2 app has 7 predefined charger profiles:
Bumpemu will map the app's predefined profiles to existing presets in your charger. To do this, create the file /etc/bumpemu/presets.yml on your pi. Set the number of the charger preset you want each app charger profile to map to. An example presets file is in the repo.
To verify you have set the profiles the way you want them, make sure no other instances of bumpemu-controller are running, and then run the following:
/usr/local/bin/bumpemu-controller --show-presets
Battery configuration
When running the BumpCCS app with a real bump controller, you would bump a battery to load the battery configuration to the app. To emulate that, bumpemu loads a battery configuration when it starts up. The battery configuration should go in /etc/bumpemu/battery.yml. An example battery configuration file is in the repo.
For personal and professional use. You cannot resell or redistribute these repositories in their original state.
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