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cformatter42 0.2.7
C language prettier that conforms to 42 norm v3.
I know you are already a good human norm.
It's just for convenience.
Requires Python3.8+ (3.9, 3.10, 3.11)
From PyPI
$ pip3 install c-formatter-42
$ pip3 install --user c-formatter-42 # If you don't have root privileges
From source
$ git clone
$ cd c_formatter_42
$ pip3 install -e .
Command line
$ c_formatter_42 < file.c
$ python3 -m c_formatter_42 < file.c # If you get 'command not found' with the previous one
$ c_formatter_42 --help
usage: c_formatter_42 [-h] [-c] [FILE [FILE ...]]
Format C source according to the norm
positional arguments:
FILE File to format inplace, if no file is provided read STDIN
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-c, --confirm Ask confirmation before overwriting any file
Plugins / Extensions
Check out the c_formatter_42.vim plugin. This plugin automatically installs the c_formatter_42 package using pip.
Visual Studio Code
Install c_formatter_42
Install the keyhr.42-c-format extension
Set keyhr.42-c-format as the default formatter for C files in .vscode/settings.json
"[c]": {
"editor.defaultFormatter": "keyhr.42-c-format"
Feel free to report issues or contribute. :)
Run the tests
$ pip3 install tox
$ tox
$ tox -e py311 # for a specific python version
Deploy a new version
$ pip3 install bumpversion
$ bumpversion [major|minor|patch]
$ git push
$ git push --tags
Go to: and click on the tag you just created.
Then click on Create release from tag, the pipeline will build and deploy that version for you.
For personal and professional use. You cannot resell or redistribute these repositories in their original state.
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