Cairo Type Hints 0.1.7 | Coderz Product

cairo-type-hints 0.1.7

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cairotypehints 0.1.7

Cairo type hints
Add type hints to your Cairo-lang files and feed the generated json files to Stark-Dot-Net code generators.
pip install cairo-type-hints

Example usage:
python compile-cairo-type-hints \
-i ./src/my-awesome-contract.cairo \
-o ./artifacts/hints/test-hints.json

Adding hints to structs
A type hint is a comment with a colon, a space and then a type. Valid types are int, string, and address. For example, #: int.
Type hints are added inline per member of the struct. For example:
struct UserMeta:
member index : felt #: int
member hash : felt
member position : Position

Members without a type hint will default to string for felt and the struct type for structs.
The above Cairo-lang example outputs:

Adding hints to functions
Function hint comments mimic Cairo-lang function type declarations and are placed as the first statement in a function body. For example:
#: (index : int, position : Position) -> (user : User)

func get_user_by_index {
syscall_ptr : felt*, pedersen_ptr : HashBuiltin*,
} (index : felt, position : Position) -> (user : User):
#: (index : int, position : Position) -> (user : User)
let (hash) =
let (user) = get_user_by_hash(hash)
return (user = user)

The above Cairo-lang example outputs:

Install and switch to python 3.9.x
$ pyenv install 3.9.9
$ pyenv local 3.9.9

Create a virtual environment and activate it
$ python -m venv env
$ source venv/bin/activate

Do some awesome work!
Build and publish the package
$ python bdist_wheel sdist
$ twine upload dist/*


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